Page 126 of Royal Honor

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But I wondered what Damyn’s answer would’ve been.

As dusk was falling, we reached the safe house: a treehouse perched high in the canopy, invisible if one didn’t know exactly what was looking for. Damyn drew down the long rope ladder that hung from it, then immediately dragged Arren away with him to hunt for dinner.

I toyed with the ladder, feeling as if I’d be trapped up there. “A safe house? Are any of those really safe for us?”

Branok and Lynx shared a look. “We'll make sure it's safe for you.”

The three of us climbed up together into what was essentially a treehouse. I was glad there was no one else there. I didn't doubt that we could kill anyone who endangered us, but I was tired of killing.

There, on the balcony beneath the spreading shade of the swaying trees, Branok put his hands on my hips and leaned in from behind me, his lips brushing over the marks on my throat.

“I've been selfish all my life,” Branok said. “Proud. I always wanted to have what no one else had, to be smarter than anyone else... But now I do want to share. Strangely enough, now that I have the most incredible treasure.”

I cast a quick glance up at him, because it didn't seem like Branok to say nice things to me. I didn't doubt his affection, but it didn't come with an ounce of saccharine.

But his gaze was serious. “You know how dragons are with their treasure.”

“We don't tend to share well.”

Branok's hands roamed my body. “Let me show you how well I can share.”

Lynx joined him on the other side. “I can as well,” he promised.

I surrendered myself to their wild hands and tender mouths.



For some reason,my frantic, mindless shadow traveling brought me back to the battle site.

I was alone now. Dusk had fallen and the sight was dark, haunted. But I wondered if there were people hiding in the forest far beyond. If I were Kallus, I would have had someone watching the area.

As I’d told Honor, even my borrowed magic was dying, but I could feel some last little vestiges. I might have one last chance to shadow travel if I needed to save my life. I didn't want to waste it.

Then I saw the stone almost hidden in the earth. It was at the center of the blast zone Honor had created. I could stand in the place where she had stood. But then all the bodies had fallen, I thought the stone was destroyed, but there it was, milky and white and full of magic, looking up at me like an eyeball almost buried.

I picked it up. There was so much I could do with this. It carried a hum of energy within it, as if there were spells built up inside, and a slow smile spread across my face. I might have very little power left of my own, but the Scourge stone was full of power.

I had to reach her. I’d shadow travel for that, but I decided I’d only tell her what she needed to know. I wasn’t going to give her the stone—I trusted her, but not the company she kept. Damyn and Jaik and Caldren and the others would whisper into her ear about what she should do, and I’d lose any control over her… and therefore of the stone. I didn’t want to be powerless. I didn’t want to be useless. Kallus was right that I should be worthy of her.

I could feel her through the bond.

I could feel her missing me. She was worried about where she was. Her feelings were taut and miserable and yet… there was a glow of warmth that rose from them.

I shook off the emotions and focused on following the bond. A handful of fighters broke out from the tree line—so Kallushadleft someone behind—then raced toward me, hefting swords and axes.

I waved goodbye and shadow traveled to Honor.

I stumbled in the depths of a new forest. In the distance was the glow of a fire, barely visible through the trees.

And sitting beside the fire was Honor. A deer roasted on a spit in front of them. Her face was rosy from the heat and the light the fire cast lit her hair with flame. My heart stumbled, and in the darkness, I had to admit it. I loved the girl.

Before I could move out of the darkness, a hooded figure emerged from the other side of the woods. Honor and her men were on their feet instantly, swords in hands, but she recognized him before anyone else. Casting her sword aside, she ran and leapt into his arms.

His arms rose from his cloak and caught her as she wrapped her legs around his waist, and he didn’t stumble, but the movement knocked back his hood. Talisyn grinned at her. The air felt electric with their sheer joy, and that was the moment before Honor’s men crowded around, pounding his shoulders and hugging him. There was so much joy.

No one would’ve greeted me in that way. Which was fine… I despised hugging and fussing as a general rule. But still.
