Page 130 of Royal Honor

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For a second, she looked lost, though she never dropped her sword. In her mind it was clear how upset she was as the thought she’d taken something from her people.

“The best part of you should never have been the dragon,” I snapped back, realizing once the words were out of my mouth that it was true for myself as well. “But since he’s so unhappy… Honor, put him out of his misery.”

He launched an attack before she could, but she met his sword with her own. The clash of swords rang loudly through the forest. Hopefully it would bring the others running, though we had walked pretty far into the woods.

Two of them pressed toward me, their swords raised. They apparently failed to see Honor as the threat she was.

I smiled at them both. “We don’t need to do this. We should all be fighting together against Kallus.”

“We don’t need your like anymore. Camet would be a better king.”

“Ah, there it is.”

The two of them rushed at me in a concerted attack. I met one sword, whirled to block the other. A cut was aimed low at my feet, and I leapt over it.

“So, Talisyn, what did you want to tell me?” Honor called. “What was worth coming all the way out here?”

“Well, now I have regrets about it,” I answered. “For god’s sakes, Honor, don’t play with him.”

I leapt to one side to avoid a sword, already planning how I’d strike once I’d outdistanced the second man’s blade. But I could see in an instant that I wasn’t going to make the strike, so I somersaulted instead, carrying me out of his blade’s path. Honor leapt forward, slashing him in the arm. I could see what she was planning the second before she did it, and so, as her attacker lunged toward her back, I was ready to kick him in the chest. He stumbled back, and I slashed his throat with my sword. He collapsed into the leaves.

The two of us were maneuvering together, knowing each other’s moves before we made them.

It made us an unbeatable team. The last two knights facing us already had a desperate look on their faces, but it was too late now. They shared a glance and moved toward us, but they would never be able to move flawlessly together the way Honor and I did.

Instead, they summoned the last of their magic to blast fire toward us. There was no way to shield ourselves from it now. Honor and I split in two directions, racing around the clearing until their magic died.

“I think I have my memories back,” I told her as the two of us fought shoulder to shoulder. “I remember dancing with you in the ballroom. I remember seeing the way Lucien Finn moved, the way his mind worked, and knowing he wasyou.”

I feinted toward one man, and when he danced back, he danced into her sword. Just as the two of us had planned.

“I hated having to trick you and lie to you.” Her gaze met mine wide eyed, over the body of the man she just killed. When she braced her foot against his chest and yanked the sword out, his corpse slammed into the ground. Despite what she just done, there was an air of vulnerability and innocence when she looked at me. “You really remember?”

“I don’t know how,” I answered. “But I would know you anywhere, Honor Hannaby.”

Her gaze met mine, filled with wonder.

And so she didn’t see the fourth dragon knight who leapt forward from behind her.



Talisyn shouted, “Lookout!”

Along with the warning came a flash of an image. I could see what he was seeing, knew that the man was there on my right side, leaping out of the woods with an axe. I knew that I could never turn and meet the axe with my sword. The blade would crumple, and I would be at his mercy, vulnerable for the second strike.

Everything flashed through my head within seconds. And Talisyn responded. He and I both knew what the other was about to do.

I collapsed to the ground, below the axe swing that should have cleaved me in half. My heart beat fast as the deadly axe swung so close that it ruffled my hair.

The man was thrown off balance, but just for a second. He was already switching grips, preparing for a backhand slash with the axe that I would never be able to get past.

Talisyn threw his knife, and the man’s eyes widened in shock as the knife buried itself in his throat.

“You didn’t need magic to do that,” I said, managing to sound awfully cheerful for someone who was shaking a little. No one likes being almost cleaved in two with an axe. It’s the kind of thing that ruins one’s day. “Look at you.”

Talisyn offered me his hand, and I took it, letting him pull me to his to my feet. Both of us still held our bloodied swords in our hands as we embraced.
