Page 141 of Royal Honor

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“We’re moving on to infiltrate Rylow,” Lynx told me, slapping my shoulder. “We’ll see you inside.”

I didn’t ask how the two of them would find their way into a walled, heavily guarded city that was preparing for siege. I was sure they’d find a way.

“Honor,” I said reluctantly, because all I wanted was to keep her with me. “My shifters alone can’t take down Kallus’s forces. There are so many of them. Will you call my brother and his troops?”

“The prey shifters,” she said quietly. “They’re scattered in the forest on the other side of Rylow… half his people launched their own attack on Rylow before and were defeated.”

“It’s a broken kingdom,” I said.

“But it’s ours,” she said. “I’ll find Caldren.”



The sound of a dozen horses’hooves pounding the fields echoed through the dark, still air. Caris had attacked another village, and we’d swept in to drive him off. Before he escaped us, we’d stolen his soldiers’ gear and let loose half his horses, who had galloped off across the unfamiliar land.

Caris’s forces had just moved on, leaving three buildings smoldering, the smoke rising into the air. Caris, after all, had to get to Rylow. But Nora and me and our little band? All we needed to do was harass their forces.

“Night has been a good friend to us,” Nora said, bringing me down to earth. “But we need rest. A few hours without worrying Kallus’s forces will get their revenge.”

We’d stayed at a distance, moving in little bands like thieves. We ran in to cause trouble and then disappeared again as Kallus’s forces countered us.

We set their horses loose. Stole weapons. Burnt gear. Whatever we could do to disrupt their movement through our Kingdom. It still felt as if they were sweeping relentlessly toward Rylow… but we shaved off their supplies.

“We’ll stay here,” I said. The village still stood—mostly--thanks to us. “Caris might send a band to double back, but he can’t afford many troops. If he does, we’ll be ready to greet him.”

As evening fell, we set up camp in the village. The villagers gladly gave us space in their houses or barns, but we overflowed into simple tents set up between the houses.

The prey shifters who had rallied behind me had never been accustomed to having much magical power. Nora and I moved between them, trying to teach them healing spells to help each other. We only had a little magic, and then it faded into the night, dissipating like nothing.

“They have a tavern.” Nora rested her hand on my shoulder. “They’re going to work preparing food for our forces. What do you want us to give them?”

We’d stolen a significant quantity of Kallus’s food, which delighted me. A hungry army is a rebellious army.

“Give it all to them. We need to travel light, and we’ll shelter inside Rylow.” Jaik would make sure we were provided for.

“One more thing,” Nora said.

I straightened to see the little band of tattered, worn looking warriors who were limping toward us.

“The survivors that attacked Rylow,” Nora filled in, though I hadn’t needed the advice.

“I’ll greet them,” I said, and Nora threw me an uncertain look, as if she wasn’t sure if I’d flay the rebellion or feed them.

The troops tried to slink into my camp, but my guards held them on its outskirts. As I approached, one of them fell, clutching the bloody shirt that clung to his body. He’d been badly wounded.

“You’re all right,” I promised him. I shouldn’t burn the last of my magic but he looked as if he would die if I didn’t.

His eyes met mine in shock as I stretched out my hand, my magic radiating across the wounds. It took me long moments to place who he was for sure, and then I recognized him.Anix.He’d abandoned me with harsh words to attack my brother.

His eyes caught on mine. “Do you remember me, King Caldren? The fool?”

His voice was mocking, but there was uncertainty in his voice.

“I don’t remember any of that,” I said. “All I see is a man who fought for his kingdom today and will again tomorrow.”

I clapped his shoulder and rose to my feet. There was always a part of me that wanted to be petty. “Come on, there’s dinner inside and we’ll get you set up with a place to sleep.”
