Page 160 of Royal Honor

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“They must have realized that once it was calm, they’d be held responsible for their sins against Honor,” Caldren said quietly. “They’d rather run to Kallus.”

“And they don’t have to run far,” Arren said urgently. He pointed ahead where Kallus’s forces were racing toward us.

“We have to get our people inside,” Caldren said urgently. He ran out through the gates, and Jaik cursed but followed him.

The shifters outside ran frantically for the safety of Rylow’s walls. They streamed inside, and I waited anxiously, watching for Jaik and Caldren, who were at the very rear, shepherding everyone inside.

Kallus’s grinning, vile general, Caris, was right at their heels.

Behind them, I caught a glimpse of my uncle. Kallus looked as unhappy as Caris looked delighted.

Then my men were in, and the newly raised gate slammed shut, and I lost sight of Kallus.

But the memory of the haunted look on his face nagged at me as I turned to face my men and make sure they were all right.



Although several desperatenobles may have made a mad dash for Kallus’s questionable kindness, Rylow was still packed to the gills. With Kallus’s forces milling outside our walls, unable to breech Rylow, my men and I focused on making sure everyone had food and shelter for the time being.

The academy was crowded; the cavernous lobby was filled with families sleeping on blankets. On Lynx’s orders, the students shifted to one wing, and refugees filled the rest of the rooms.

As we stood watching students carry their belongings up the polished wooden stairwells, Lynx said grimly, “The students won’t be here much longer anyway.”

My men were preparing for a counterattack. But as grim as that idea was, they preferred it to the alternative.

“You know what we really have to do, Lynx,” I said. “I have to go to Kallus. I can stop this.”

Lynx’s jaw ticked, and he didn’t try to hide the worry in his eyes. “I don’t want you to face this alone.”

“I won’t be.” I laced my fingers through his. “You’re always there with me when I need you, Lynx. Even if it’s just in my mind. You always steady me.”

He gave my fingers a quick squeeze, accompanied by a look as if he appreciated the words.

“Move your shit over,” one shifter barked at another in the hall. “You’re cutting into my family’s space.”

The second shifter gave him a confused look. “We’re not trying to take your space. Casity, move your blanket…”

“It’s not just the gods-damned blanket.”

The second shifter moved to block his kids from the argument, his wife giving him a worried look…before she quietly picked up a frying pan from her meager possessions.

“I’ll go deal with that,” Lynx murmured quietly to me before heading their way.

Jaik and Caldren arrived, flanking me as I watched Lynx skillfully defuse the tensions. He moved the shifters to different places.

I’d known my men were coming. One of them—or more—was always with me in case someone else tried to kidnap me.

Jaik said, “It’s like that everywhere. Prey and predator shifters are at each other’s throats.”

“They don’t realize none of that matters now that our powers are gone?” I demanded.

Jaik shook his head. “This is untenable. If we weren’t under siege, we’d have to separate again—we need to focus on defeating Kallus, not fighting each other.”

“They still think they serve two separate kings,” Caldren’s gaze found mine. “They need to know we all serve one queen.”

“What are you suggesting?” Jaik asked.
