Page 171 of Royal Honor

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Magical sparks of light sizzled between the three of us. Something yanked deep inside my chest, a sense of panic scrambling up my spine. My limbs felt suddenly weak and heavy, my head swimming.

Golden light glowed from my chest, then turned into a beam drawn straight toward Ebba. The same glow lit Kallus’s chest, and he groaned, his back arching, as his magic was torn away.

Talisyn rose to his feet. “Honor, fight! Draw on your magic!”

“I don’t have any!” I screamed back.

“You have all of it!” he raked his hand through his hair wildly. “Youaremagic!”

Just then, the rest of my men ran into the temple frantically. Their swords were drawn, but that didn’t matter for this battle.

“She needs your magic!” Talisyn shouted at them.

“Honor, fight,” Damyn urged. He held his hand out toward me, flame blossoming across his palm, a visual representation of his power. Then he pushed it toward me, and it slammed into my chest, knocking me back.

But its warmth spread through my veins.

Caldren raised his magic, a glow that covered his fingers, then sent it flying toward me. His scent rose around me as I absorbed his magic. The others were doing the same, palming their magic and sending it flying my way.

The tiniest bit of magic they still carried.

Damyn staggered and fell to his knees, and I let out a cry, realizing they had given me everything they had.

But it lit a spark, enough for me to push Ebba away.

The next thing I knew, my magic was building under my skin again, wild and uncontrolled.

But this time the magic I feared was exactly what I needed. Enough to fight Ebba.

The ground shook beneath my feet and the sense of power I felt grew, as if I were drawing it from the land. Ebba let go of Kallus and focused on only me.

I held out my hand to him the way he had me, feeling the power that flooded me from beneath my feet. Some of his light beamed toward me.

Ebba’s let out a screech from all those mouths and yanked away.

I followed him, plunging forward, and the next thing I knew, we were on a dark hillside, and the temple was in the distance. I’d shadow traveled without even realizing it.

He aimed a blast of magic at me, and I jumped into the shadows and came up on his side just as the magic exploded the tree near where I’d been standing before. Shards of wood rained down on us both.

I transformed into a dragon, surprised to find myself enormous, towering above Ebba’s form. I unfurled my wings, shattering the wall of the temple all over again. Ebba grew, trying to match my size, and I snapped at him, my jaws sinking through his smoke.

He let out a scream that rose in a dozen different voices through the sky. I didn’t know how I had wounded him.

“You’re taking his magic,”Damyn thought, and I turned to see my men stumbling out of the temple. Damyn stood on the marble steps, watching me. Relief rippled through my chest. My men were alive.

Then Ebba leapt at me again and once again, I met his magic with my own.

The two of us fought wildly back and forth across the hillside.

Across the isle.

And I took on a hundred different forms as I flowed to meet Ebba, my power growing where his ebbed. I turned into a tiger, a soaring hawk, a mouse moving swiftly through the grass that eluded him, and then back into my most dangerous form: myself.

And then we were back in the temple where it had begun. I swore when I realized where we were, because my men were here, and I didn’t know how to protect them. I was not entirely in control of the magic; it flowed through me. Itwasme.

And I was destroying Ebba. Some of those many eyes had closed. He’d turned blurry around the edges as if part of him was fading back out of our world.

Ebba reached out a hand toward Kallus, who fought back but couldn’t stop him.
