Page 172 of Royal Honor

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Ebba began to pull Kallus’s magic from him, and it turned into Ebba’s power and blasted toward me.

Ebba was killing me.



I wasin so much pain.

Kallus locked eyes with me across the room.

Weakly, he said, “Your mother would want me to send you one last message of love.”

His betrayal was a strange thing to bring up when we were both dying.

His magic flared around his hand as he raised it toward Ebba.

Ebba laughed at him. A new eye opened, and he seemed taller. He was growing stronger. “You are nothing, Kallus. You’ll never be the hero.”

“No,” Kallus agreed, his eyes glassy and distant though he looked like he was trying to focus on me. Then sounding like himself again in one moment of clarity, he added,“She’llbe the hero.”

Kallus’s fingers glowed the second before he drove them into his chest.

He let out a scream as he yanked the shard out from its place sheltered beside his heart.

Ebba screeched and started toward him.

But Kallus tumbled forward into the shadows, the shard clutched in his hand.

And with the last of his power, he shadow traveled and reappeared right beside me.

He looked up at me with the light beginning to fade from his eyes and his bloodied hand outstretched. Clutched in his fingers was a shard of what looked like mere glass. Its edges glowed as it fell away to magic.

That magic hung in the air like dust, bobbing as if it were being pulled in two directions—toward Ebba and toward me.

But I pulled the magic intome.

And now I had the strength to rise to my feet again, to fight back with renewed power.

“Let me have my power again,” Ebba snarled. “Or I’ll killthem.”

A sudden wave crashed against the roof of the temple, splashing over all of us. Water spread across the marble floor, making it slick. My men traded horrified looks.

Then another wave broke through, the wind howling around the temple, making it fall to pieces around us. The columns shook. Bits of the ceiling collapsed inward. Another wave broke through, sweeping Branok and Arren off their feet. They scrambled for any purchase as the wave dragged them away, and the others scrambled to save them. The ground shook as if the world was being torn apart.

“Give me back my power!” Ebba screamed at me, and the winds screamed it with him. “Or I’ll bury them alive!”



Zehr strode into the temple.Relief flooded my chest seeing him.

Something was wrong. His face was blank. Magic swirled around him.

I glanced furiously at Ebba. Had he done something to Zehr? Drawn him here somehow so he could steal his power too?

It was impossible to hear anything in the temple the howling of the wind and the creaking of the columns and the rush of water across the floor. Then somehow Zehr's voice rose from the magic, piercing the chaos.
