Page 180 of Royal Honor

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I was the one to touch the torch to the wood. As it blazed up, I watched his face for the last time, almost obscured by the wall of flame. I could’ve sworn his face flickered, changed, but it could have been just a trick of the heat which made everything look wavy and undefined. Then he was gone in the blaze.

And then, behind me, a cocky voice that had once risen above the wind.

“Well. That was lovely!”

I whirled to find Zehr standing behind me, and I was struck silent in fury and indignation and confusion and relief.

He tilted his head back, a grin spreading across his angular faces. “I left you speechless. This is delightful.”

“I thought you died!”

“Ah, no,” he said. “You know what they say. It’s a heroic thing to die for your kingdom and even more heroic to make your enemies die for it.”


“You do remember Caris? Such an annoying little man.” Zehr shook his head, then paused.

“You want to tell us this story and have us be impressed by you,” Caldren drawled. “Go on.”

“If you insist.” Zehr flashed him a bright smile.

I still couldn’t believe he was really here, and as he saw my face, some of his arrogance faded. For a moment, he looked regretful, as if he felt my pain.

But he was alive, and that pain was fading. “Go on, Zehr.”

“Once my magic started to return… I found him. I tricked him into trying to replace me. He tried using your spell to take my face. As if he could outsmart me.” Zehr’s smile was self-satisfied. “And then I erased all his memories, set him to detonate, and sent him in to take my place. If you hadn’t so thoroughly distracted Ebba, Honor, he would have seen through my ruse. So thank you. We saved the world together.”

“You absolute ass. I thought you died.”

“We should leave them,” Damyn said.

He and the others walked down the hill.

Arren turned back. “I’ll help if you want to kill him for real.”

Zehr quirked an eyebrow. “I thought you had forgiven me.”

Arren shrugged, then turned and kept walking.

“Dragon royals don’t forgive,” I warned Zehr.

“Ah, but you’re the queen of dragons, and you forgive, don’t you?” He knelt in front of me, and yet somehow he looked so powerful when he was on his knees. The wind rustled his dark curls.

“I believe I said I’d forgive if you groveled.”

“Was that it?” he mused. His hands slid across my hips, igniting fire everywhere he touched. “Well then, let me grovel.”

His mind brushed gently against mine. Then he let down his walls completely.

I was in his memories, in a hundred moments that flickered past, each one soaked with his love and admiration.

He looked up at me as if he were going to rise and kiss me.

But I sank to my knees in front of him, the two of us eye to eye, and kissed him first.

The mark on my throat blazed, as if my body were singing with excitement.Mine. Reunited.

And his mind echoed the same.Mine.

Lookingfor another May Dawson book? Bring on the wolves in a new reverse harem trilogy about an abused heroine who is rescued when she’s kidnapped by a rival pack seeking revenge.

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