Page 34 of Royal Honor

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“Good. You should. And you should talk to her.”

The thought that my sister had needed me and I'd been on the other side of the isle was going to torment me. “Is she awake?”

“She'd want you to wake her, Honor.” He offered me his hand.

I followed him out of his tent across the field. A central fire blazed at the center of the camp, casting warmth and light across the bitter winter scene, and the stars seemed very bright on a night so clear and cold.

“What are you hunting?”

“The nobles who cursed Caldren.”

I didn’t need to ask what he would do when he found them. I stooped to follow him into another white tent.

Hanna was sleeping on her side, her strawberry blond hair spilled across the pillow. She looked so young when she was asleep. Her usual restless, wild energy was at peace.

Seeing her reminded me of how high the stakes were. I was gambling with my life. That was fine.

But my sleeping sister reminded me she was the only family I had left in the world. And I washeronly surviving family. I couldn't screw up. If she lost me, she would be devastated. In the space of a second, the weight of the world slammed into my shoulders.


Branok shifted behind me, and for a second, I could have sworn I was seeing the scene through his eyes. My sister asleep in her bed. Me, hesitating in the doorway. If these were Branok's thoughts, they were filled with sympathy and worry and warmth. It wasn't what I would have expected from the cool way he carried himself.

I turned quickly, my gaze meeting his, and his lips parted in surprise.

“Did you...” I began.

“Through the mark?” he finished. “Or through the dragon bond?”

The two of us shared a long, loaded look. I had so much more I wanted to say to him, but sheets rustled behind me. I turned to find Hanna sitting up.

“Honor?” she asked, uncertainly. She pressed the heel of her hand into her eyes, rubbing at them blearily. Then she looked again, as if she thought she was dreaming me.

I took a step toward her, and she flung herself out of the bed and into my arms. I wrapped my arms around her, surprised all over again that she was as tall as I was now, but slender and bird boned.

“Hey, little sister. I heard about the—” I broke off as images flashed through my mind. Hanna, shaking, as Branok put his arm around her shoulders. The fight in the kitchen. Seeing the fear my sister had felt, even now when she was safe, jolted me. “I heard about the attack. I'm glad you're safe.”

Hanna squeezed me even more tightly. When she pulled back, her cheeks were flushed pink. Her upset was written across her face, and I grabbed her hands.

“What's wrong?”

“Nothing.” She sounded too light and bright.

She was faking. I should know; I faked it the same way. I gave her a long look, but I knew she wasn't going to talk to me tonight about Rylow.

She rushed on eagerly. “Where did you come from? Are you staying?”

I knew before I answered that her face was going to fall, but that didn't take away any of the pain of seeing her react when I shook my head no. “I have to stop the Scourge curse.”

“Honor.” Her face paled. “Don’t leave me. Please.”

She clung to me, and Branok gently pulled her away as I babbled nonsense about how I’d see her soon.

Branok tried to say something to me before I could leave, but I fled into the shadows. I didn’t want him to know I could shadow travel. Not yet.

As I thought about the scene at the academy and about Branok, comforting my sister, I felt a surge of affection.

I hadn't realized how much comfort I gained from Branok's presence until it was gone.
