Page 42 of Royal Honor

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That was where I’d find Kallus. I shadow-traveled aboard.

The deck was empty as if he had cleared it, waiting for me. But I had the feeling that was a lie. The ship felt alive, breathing, as if there were guards massed somewhere, ready to spring when Kallus’s trap closed.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and strolled below, trying to channel Zehr’s arrogance, as I walked into a lavish room that spanned the entire length of the ship. A dozen of his guards lined the wall, looking as still as statues, but they all held wicked sharp blades. No matter where he traveled, Kallus had to have his throne.

He rose from it when he saw me, a delighted smile crossing his face. “Lord Zehr. You came.”

He wore a stolen piece of the Scourge stone around his neck. Lysander’s. My gaze caught on it, and he touched the pendant, his smile turning knowing.

He gestured me toward the elaborately carved table with one scarred hand, and the two of us sat, though it was hard for me to lean back in my chair and pretend to relax. The table was set with food and glasses of wine. Platters of meats and cheeses and pastries covered the table, and my stomach rumbled, reminding me that I had gone a long time without eating. My legs felt weak, and I wondered if it was from hunger or if Kallus had dragonsbane.

Then I saw the carved wooden box beside Kallus’s place. It was the same one he’d brought out when he summoned Amily, and my physically hunger instantly faded. I needed to talk to my mother.

“How strange to see the zombie king and the sweet maid form a partnership,” he said lightly.

“Very,” I agreed.

“What do you intend with her?” Kallus sounded protective, and I cocked an eyebrow at him.

“Aren’t you trying to take the girl’s throne?”

“Not at all,” Kallus said. “I want her to rule beside me. But I must have what I need from the isle.”

“And what is that?”

“That’s a conversation I will only have with my niece.” Kallus gave me a long, curious look. “Tell me, Zehr. She stabbed me to protect you. Does she love you?”

“What does love matter to me?” I asked lightly.

Kallus gave me another smug look, as if he saw right through me. “It matters to you very much. You’ve been alone longer than you can bear, and you desire family more than you desire anything.”

“At the moment, Kallus, I desire survival. Can you help me?” I had to know if there was a way to save Zehr from the Scourge curse that was consuming him.

“There’s no way to live now but to have someone lift the burden,” Kallus said. “You could use a shard of Ebba’s power to keep yourself alive after, if you can get one from him.”

Why the hell hadn’t Zehr brought that idea up? Did he know?

Kallus went on, “You are lucky to have lived so long under the curse. It’ll take powerful magic to keep you alive when you become a mere dragon once more. But first, you must escape the curse.”

“That’s proven rather difficult,” I said.

“You could use any of the royals to replace you. Simply shadow travel and steal two of them—threaten one to force the other to take the crown. They would do it for each other.” He eyed me sharply. “Unless you are unwilling for Honor’s sake. And here I thought you despised the girl.”

“I don’t believe I ever used the worddespised,” I answered. The thought hurt my feelings. He might hate me at times, as I did him, but Zehr couldn’tdespiseme.

There were too many of his men in the room.

He eyed me curiously. “I know you’re up to something. You always are. But this time, there’s no way out. You know how to save your life, and you know how to save your people. You have to get her to reverse the curse with you. You have to get her to give up her dragon.”

Dreams of flying rose in my mind, along with the memories of nesting with my men, of how beautiful and powerful they were flying in the air.

Did he really think I was so self-centered that I wouldn’t give up my dragon to protect our people?

“Then give me the last piece of the Scourge stone, and I will.”

“We’ll do it together.” Kallus shook his head. “I don’t trust you enough to let you walk away carrying my piece of the Scourge stone.”

It was never supposed to be his. That was my father’s piece of the stone. “And why are you willing to help us?”
