Page 5 of Royal Honor

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As I was flying,I couldn’t stop from playing the dream I’d had of Honor the night before. In my dream, she had wrapped her arms around my neck and smiled up at me. There was nothing particularly special about that dream, but she’d been smiling at me wholeheartedly and happily, the way I’d never seen her smile at me. Her expression was tinged with sadness in all my memories.

So I wondered: was it a memory or was it a dream?

Damyn’s massive horned head swiveled toward me. His mind brushed against mine. “Are you alright?”

I nodded.

We were on our way to find Honor, and I couldn’t wait to see her, but I didn’t want to talk to Damyn anymore about our feelings. He made it clear that he thought I still loved Honor, and I wasn’t sure what to make of that.

Then I felt Lynx. “We’ve got news we need to pass along. First, we think Kallus is anchoring off the coast. I’m curious what he’s up to.”

“I’m sure you’ll find out.” Damyn said. We both had faith in Branok and Lynx.

“No pressure. But… while we’re working on that…”

“What is it?” I asked.

“One of our noble friends who sent Caldren the special gift? He ran to the west. He should be crossing into your territory soon.”

“We’re on our way to help Honor,” Damyn said.

“Did she say she wanted your help?” Lynx asked. Gods, sometimes I really couldn’t tell him apart from Branok. “She would say there’s no higher priority. She’s going to do anything it takes to save Caldren’s life. We should do the same.”

Damyn said, “She’s the queen of the Isle. She needs to be protected.”

“If she thinks we’ll prioritize protecting her over anything else, no matter how important it is to her, then she’s never going to tell us everything.” Lynx said.

“I can live with that if she’s safe,” Damyn said dryly, then sighed. “Alright. You have a point. We’ll divert.”

“Thank you.”

I wasn’t sure how I felt about diverting away from Honor.

But we changed our route, heading on an intercept path for the road that led through the mountain pass from Rylow toward Mesca. Damyn, who never forgot a face, picked out the noble as we were watching.

When we interrogated the noble, we found out that the rest of his noble friends had run for the frozen north. Branok and Lynx’s territory.

“Well, that’s unlucky for the nobles,” I said to Damyn.

“So it sounds like they’ll be the next ones to head out on the mission,” Damyn said. Clearly, he had not forgiven them for taking him away from Honor, even though he wouldn’t admit it.

We had to kill the noble. There were no safe conditions for leaving him behind given what he had done to Caldren, and what evil would come into the world if he had the chance to provide a body for the chaos God.

I was going to do it, but Damyn got there first.

“You don’t have to protect me,” I reminded him. “We're both dragon knights.”

“I’m not.” He cleaned his blade with the bloodstained cloth he always produced as if by magic, then sheathed it. “I merely like to stay in practice.”

That was a lie. He was protective of all of us.

But he wasn’t protective of any of us in quite the same way he was protective of Honor.

And while he certainly had his own thoughts about my relationship with Honor, I wondered when he would wake up to his.
