Page 55 of Royal Honor

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Damyn cuffed him in the back of the head.

“Hey,” Talisyn complained. “You can't just hit me.”

“I did my sincere best to knock the hubris and arrogance out of your heads when you were young, but clearly, I failed. I'm not giving up on my mission quite yet.”

“I always wondered why you dared to smack us when we were the sons of the king and his lords.”

“And yet you never told on me.”

“None of us wanted to see you strung up for your insolence.” Talisyn returned.

“I'm not so sure that's how it would have ended. I'm pretty sure your fathers knew that you needed something.”

“Our fathers wanted us to turn out like them,” Talisyn said, “so it's not like they wanted us to turn out well.”

I wondered what my parents had wanted from me.

“Your parents wanted you to think like they did,” Damyn said, “and they wanted you to be the best of them. And you are.”

His gaze flickered to the side, including me, and warmth swelled in my chest.

“Then why are you still cuffing me?” Talisyn asked.

“Because there is still room for improvement,” Damyn said. “Especially when you talk about peasants.”

I showed Damyn the fragments of the Scourge stone I'd collected from Jaik and Kallus.

Damyn said, “Amily carried hers in the hilt of her sword.”

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Quite sure,” Damyn said. “I was responsible for polishing her sword and Lysander’s.”

I looked up curiously, jealous of how much better he must remember my mother. “What was she like?”

“Sarcastic and headstrong, like you. And deeply in love with both King Lysander and you.”

“Well, I am very lovable,” I said lightly.

Damyn was studying the stones and didn't agree or disagree.

“Do you have any idea where Amily’s sword went?”

“I might,” he said. “I wasn't in any position to help you or to take her items. But I tried to follow.”

I stared at him in shock. “You knew that Joachim took me hostage? Tortured me?”

He nodded.

“Did you do anything to try to help me?” I asked, knowing it was unfair.

“Of course I tried.” His gaze met mine evenly. “It took time. Too long. But eventually, as you recall, you escaped.”

“I know what I did.” I finally remembered that desperate run, my time as a street urchin, the family that took me in as a servant until Danen rescued me. “But what did youdo?”

He shook his head. “I’m not going to talk to you about that.”

“And why the hell is that, Damyn?”
