Page 64 of Royal Honor

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“I'm not leaving them,” she said.

I couldn't force her to shadow travel, unfortunately.

So we stood shoulder to shoulder with the friends that I had to kill, and faced the Scourge together.

I could fight with them one last time.

But I would always choose Honor.



Seemingly endless surgesof Scourge covered the hillside. It didn’t matter how many the dragons breathed fire to destroy. They just kept coming, not caring how many of them died as long as they had the chance to rip at the dragons’ scales. One of the dragon knights fell under their assault, swarmed by Scourge. Two of the other knights breathed flame over him, burning their friend to a crisp to kill the Scourge.

“Zehr!”I thought desperately.

“I can’t stop them.”He sounded grim.“They’re uncontrollable.”

“We need to get out of here, or you need to turn,” Damyn told me urgently. We were being penned in by Scourge, and he swung his sword constantly, cutting them down as he darted toward him.

“It’s too late,” I gasped. My magic burned across my skin, building the way it did before it exploded away from me. I retreated from the battle until my shoulders bumped the enormous metal door, trying to catch my breath.

But it was still building inside me.

Damyn shifted back to and ran to grab my shoulder, cursing. “Are you alright?”

I couldn’t answer. It took every bit of my attention to hold back the wild power surging inside me.

From the look on his face, he could tell that I wasn't. “Your magic?

I nodded, afraid to even speak.

“See if you can control it,” Damyn told me. He sounded calm and collected as ever. “This is a good time to practice. Take down the Scourge.”

“All the Scourge?” I managed. “I can't. There might be friends of mine...”

“The magic will come out one way or another,” he warned me. “But if you hurt the Scourge or hurt the knights, it’s no big loss either way. You might as well see if you can control the magic.”

I tried to call him an asshole, but the magic just burned brighter. The more I tried to bottle my rage and fear, the more the magic raged under my skin until I cried out in pain.

“Focus!” Damyn’s harsh voice cut through my panic.

I tried to focus the magic, imagining it as golden beams of power cutting between the knights, then forming a wall that hit the Scourge and knocked them all back to sleep.

Magic exploded out of me. The Scourge flew across the field, and the knights slammed into the ground. They turned back toward me, confused.

I ran to check on the Scourge frantically, searching for any familiar face. I shook them, trying to figure out if they were alive or dead. I didn’t see Calla anywhere.

As I walked back, one of the knights was trying to gather himself off the ground. He was limping as he rose, and he stared at me. “You’re a monster.”

Damyn drew his sword and started toward him.

I leapt to grab his arm. “What the hell are you doing?”

“They tried to hurt you.” He looked at me with a blank expression on his face, as if he didn’t understand what my problem was. “I’m never going to let that happen.”

“You’re not going to just kill them,” I hissed.
