Page 100 of The Darkest Mark

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But there was nothing weak or lost about Liam King.

“Do you want to challenge me?” Stone’s voice was disbelieving. “You’re the one who never wants to fight, but you would fight me?”

“You know I don’t want to,” Liam said.

“But you would.”

“For her?” Liam’s voice was deep and rich, filled with his own alpha growl. “I would break every vow I’ve made.”

I stared up at him in wonder. What the fuck was happening with this family?

Liam’s body rippled, as if he was on the verge of shifting.

Stone’s face paled. Quietly, but certainly, he said, “You know I wouldn’t fight you, Liam. I won’t hurt you.”

He raised his hands in a gesture of peace. But even though he projected perfect calm, there was something wild in his gaze.

The two of them loved each other so much.

“It’s all right,” I said, grabbing Liam’s arm. I pressed myself against him, trying to soothe him, putting myself between him and Stone. Liam’s gaze finally met mine; his eyes had been glowing with the shift, already the wolf’s eyes, but as I murmured to him, the light faded. “Stone’s going to let it go, for now. Right, Stone?” I asked him over my shoulder. “And I’ll go back to the house, and everything will be okay. No one needs to fight. Okay?”

“Right,” Stone said.

Slowly, the tension drained out of Liam’s body. He jerked his head in a nod.

“Thank you,” I whispered, pressing myself against him, although I didn’t entirely know why I was thanking him. I just couldn’t stand the thought of him and Stone hurting each other. I kissed the smooth skin over that taut, hollow cheek.

Then I turned to face Stone.

“Back to the house,” he confirmed, as if he knew I needed his promise.

I nodded.

The two of us walked side by side back to the house. I needed to know he and Liam were apart, that there would be no fight between them.

Stone let out a long, shaky breath as we walked through the forest. “Thank you, Amelia.”

He sounded sincere.

“Fuck you.”

His head whipped toward me. “What?”

“Did I stutter? Because I can say it again.” I could say it a lot of times, after what he did to me.

“You’re mad about the trial at the stone.” He sounded resigned. “I had to know, Amelia. I didn’t want to hurt you, I just wanted to see it for myself. But I wish I hadn’t had to. I know that was painful for you to relive.”

“Is there an apology in here somewhere, Stone?”

He gave me an affronted look.

“I guess not,” I answered my own question. “So once again, fuck you.”

The green lawn was just ahead through the trees. Now that Stone and Liam were safe from each other, I ran toward the house.


