Page 113 of The Darkest Mark

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But there was something between us, something dark and complicated that I didn’t understand.

I forged on anyway. “I have tried so hard to focus on all the good Brennan brought into my life. It’s been a struggle because I would think about him and then my thoughts would race to how I lost him. But here, I can talk to other people who love him. I can focus on Brennan’s life and not his death. But you took that from me, Stone. You made the end into everything.”

He stared down at me. Was his gaze softening?

“Listen to me,” I begged, needing to stay, needing for Stone for once tofeel.

Raw, desperate need throbbed between my thighs, but it didn’t matter. Not unless Stone decided to be on my side instead of against me. Images flashed through my mind of Stone taking me in his arms and promising he’d never hurt me again, of how I’d run my hands over his warm, hard muscles even with the rain pounding against us, how our lips would meet in urgent kisses.

“I’m listening,” he said coolly, and my hopes fell. “But you’re alive and well, Amelia, even if you’re sad. And my brother is still dead.”

“What’s wrong with you?” I drew myself to my full height—even though I still had to look up at him—and met his gaze evenly.

“What’s wrong with me? I’m alpha. And it’s my job to protect my pack.”

Something tight and bitter lodged in my throat, and I spat the words out at him. “Brennan would hate who you’ve become.”

I turned to stalk back toward the house, and he grabbed my arm and hauled me back around to face him. Fury was written across his face. “Don’t you dare use him against me.”

“You brought him up first, you hypocritical asshole!” I shouted at him. The fury that ripped out of my lungs surprised me and from the look on Stone’s face, it shocked him too. Some small distant part of me marveled that I was shouting at Stone, that I wasn’t overcome by fear. “I need you to listen to me!”

“I’m listening.” His voice was cold, but he released me, crossing his arms once more.

“You can’t do that to me again, Stone.” My voice came out soft. “Nathan made my body his own. He controlled every bit of me—but he couldn’t have my mind, my memories. It’s all I have that’s mine. You can’t take them from me.”

“I’m not Nathan.”

“No.” I thought of Shaw’s gentle request that I test him, how he had known what I needed when I couldn’t have asked. “But I need you to prove that you aren’t. Let me be safe.Here.With you.”

The words were raw and aching.

Stone met my gaze, his eyes sorrowful, and my heart dared to rise.

“I need to know.” Those four words dropped like weights between us.

My chest heaved as if I couldn’t breathe. “You won’t promise? To stay out of my mind?”

“I can’t. I will protect you, Amelia. I’ll protect you from your old pack, from the rogue wolf. But I will use every resource at my disposal to protect this pack—and you—whether you enjoy it or not.”

“It’s more than menot enjoying it.”Rain drizzled down my face and into my eyes and I scrubbed my eyes with my sodden sleeve. At least if I cried, he wouldn’t be able to see my tears. “Stone. Why can’t you just be reasonable?”

“If there’s no guilt in your past, then why are you so desperate to make sure I don’t go back into your memory?”

He turned and walked away. Whatever he’d wanted at the house, he abandoned it now, leaving me behind in the storm.



Beingface to face with Amelia made me insane. Everything inside me was desperate to respond to her pleas, to that beautiful face, to the scent she carried. I just wanted to make her happy.

I just wanted to bury myself deep inside her and claim her mouth.

I just wanted to let her make me weak.

But I was still alpha, and I had to protect my pack above all.

Her presence played havoc with all my feelings. It had taken everything in me not to respond to her scent by grabbing her and fucking her, even right there on the lawn. I wanted her so badly.
