Page 123 of The Darkest Mark

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I pointed her toward Hunter’s messages with the Longroad pack.

“Okay,” she said, frowning down at them as she scrolled. “Tell me you have more than this. You killed him over text messages?”

“Of course not.” I frowned down at my sister, who apparently thought I’d suddenly become either unjust, or an idiot, or both. “For one, he left pack territory those specific times that were arranged.”

“Still flimsy.”

“But second of all, I didn’t kill him.” What the hell was wrong with Karissa? Was this really how my own family saw me? “I don’t have enough evidence for that, not without Louisa. He ran, he fought me, so now he’s sleeping off a concussion in the jail. But he’ll live… for now.”

Once I confirmed he had conspired to hurt Amelia, though, I’d take great pleasure in replaying today’s earlier chase… and ripping out his throat.

She handed me back the phone and made a disgusted sound. “Do you really think Amelia’s in danger from the Longroad pack? You destroyed so many of their fighters. Unless…”

“Unless Nathan’s still alive.” Liam said quietly from behind us.

Both of us turned to see him standing on the stairs. He wore only jeans, but at least that was a step up; sometimes he wolfed out for so long that he forgot about clothes all together. His hair was wild, his crazy dark curls matted from sleeping out in the forest, and a twig stuck rakishly out from above his right ear.

“She needs me,” he said, his eyes wild. “I have to make it through the visions. Guide them. See if Nathan is really dead.”

“Sure.” My tolerance for Liam’s insanity was at its fracturing point. Then Karissa glared up at me, and I managed to summon a little more patience for my older brother. “You do that. You can help her if you help yourself.”

None of us knew how to get through to Liam, to keep him grounded in this world.

“If Nathan’s alive, I’d like to murder him,” Liam said with thoughtful seriousness. “But it should be Amelia who finishes him. She needs to know she’s really free.”

“Sure,” I agreed again. I banged my hand on Amelia’s door, and Karissa grabbed my elbow and yanked my arm down, too late. I didn’t want to wake Dylan either, but this couldn’t wait. I needed to talk to her about what was going on in the Longroad pack. “Amelia. Open the door.”

There was no answer.

“She’s not in there,” Liam observed. “You were supposed to make her feel safe, Stone. But you made yourself into just another common nightmare.”

I gritted my teeth and slammed my fist into the door again. The sudden feeling that Liam was right sent a rush of fear through my gut. “How do you know that? Did you have a vision?”

My voice only sounded a little bit mocking.

“No.” Liam used a condescending tone that I thought was a bit much, coming from a man who clearly hadn’t had a close encounter with a bar of soap in quite a while.

I slammed my shoulder into the door. Karissa let out a yell, but I couldn’t shake the feeling Amelia was in danger. I needed to get to her.

The door splintered open with the second slam. My shoulder ached as I stumbled through the remains of the door.

I took in Brennan’s room in a rush. The guitars, the big bed. I’d avoided this room because it was full of memories.

But right now, it was empty.

I quickly headed to the bathroom, then checked the walk-in closet, just in case. The scent of apple cider vinegar hung in the bathroom.

I turned to face Liam. “You didn’t have a vision?”

He shook his head.

“Want to share what you did see?” I demanded tartly.

Liam met my gaze evenly. “That depends. What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to make sure she’s safe.”

“So that she feels safe, or so that you feel she’s safe?”
