Page 124 of The Darkest Mark

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“Liam!” I raked my hand through my hair, then gave up on him. I headed out of the room.

“I saw her leave,” he said behind me, too fucking late. God, he killed me. “She’s scared of you.”

“I don’t care,” I ground out.

“Then you’re crazier than I am.”

But I was already chasing after her.



Dylanand I rushed through the woods. His hand grew sweaty in mine, his fingers slipping away from mine a few times before I grabbed his hand again tighter. It would have been easy for me to race to the bridge if I’d been able to shift, but Dylan couldn’t shift, and it would scare him if I did. He’d never known me as a wolf. And how would I carry him, anyway?

A long howl behind us sent a chill sweeping up my spine, and my legs turned to jelly for a second, but I stumbled forward. Stone. I could feel his alpha power in that howl, and it swept over me. Dylan glanced back over his shoulder, but there was nothing to see but the white birches shining slightly under the moonlight. The forest was dark.

There was no turning back now. Stone would see me as a traitor, and I already knew how he dealt with traitors.

Dylan stumbled over a root. Our hands slipped apart, and I tried desperately to grab him, but he fell and landed heavily on his knee. He let out a wail, and I scooped him up in my arms, shushing him desperately.

“Remember our game,” I said brightly. I didn’t think he believed me for a second, but I had to try.

He clung to me, weeping into my neck, as I ran with him through the woods. My legs burned with the effort and my night vision didn’t seem strong enough when I expected Stone to leap from behind a bush at any moment. How far behind us was that howl? It wouldn’t take long for a full-grown alpha wolf to catch up to us.

Terror swept through me. My breathing came short and wild, and I clutched the back of Dylan’s head, trying to shield him from the branches that smacked me in the face.

In the distance, through the trees, I caught a glimpse of the worn old road, the abandoned stone bridge. We were so close.

Something broke the silence right behind me.

A broken twig under a paw.

I whirled to see red eyes glowing from within the branches behind me. Slowly, the wolf slunk out of the underbrush—an enormous black wolf with eerie eyes. The one who had watched me before. I’d felt safe with this wolf watching me, but now I knew better.

The rogue.

I staggered back a step, almost fell, then whirled and kept running.

I was afraid, but I was more afraid of Stone at that moment.

And then Stone rocketed out of the bushes toward Dylan and me.



Amelia’s screamechoed through the forest.

Then she raced frantically away from me.

I chased after her, determined to shift back once I got between her and the road. She needed to listen to me. She couldn’t leave. Fury warred with my protective impulses.

Mine. She was mine. Mine to punish, if she betrayed Brennan. But always mine.

Most of all, she was always mine to protect.

And if she managed to escape our pack territory, my enemies would steal her from me. If those messages were true… Amelia was in danger when she left our pack’s grounds.
