Page 2 of The Darkest Mark

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“I don’t mean to.”

“He is your baby,” he muttered. Then he stood suddenly and moved behind me. He pressed up against me, and my lower stomach met the metal handle across the oven door. His cock, even through his jeans, rubbed against the curve of my ass, hard and unrelenting. His breath was hot against my throat as he whispered, “We need to make a new one. Maybe then you’ll let Dylan grow up a little.”

“We can try.”

“We’re going to do better thantry.”His hand massaged across my stomach, and although he might’ve meant it affectionately, his touch felt bruising. “I’m going to fill you up with baby batter tonight.”

I forced a smile in answer. If I never heard the wordsbaby batteragain, it would be too soon. And if he ever found out I was taking birth control pills, the odds were fifty-fifty that he’d kill me. He’d come close before.

Reaching over my shoulder, he snapped the knob on the stove. The flame under the pan flickered and died. “Or maybe . . . we’ve got time now,” he breathed into my ear.

I glanced out the window. Dylan was on the swing set in the backyard, pumping his legs single-mindedly. He’d just mastered the motion. Nathan hadn’t waited to make sure Dylan wouldn’t see anything. He never did. His hands were already delving down my jeans, hot and possessive.

I turned to face him, causing him to move back a step. “Race you to our bedroom.”

He scooped into my underwear, grabbing a handful of my ass cheek. “Maybe I want you right here.”

I managed to press him back another step, out of sight of the window. “Whatever you want.”

He would take what he wanted from me, anyway. I wasn’t going to fight it anymore. My body mattered less than my life. Less than Dylan’s.

Yanking me close, he pushed at the band of my jeans. As he shoved my pants down around my knees, I clung to his shoulders to keep from being knocked over from the force. He pushed me onto the kitchen table and thrust into me without fanfare. He was big, big enough that it always hurt when he shoved inside me like this. His hand was heavy on my lower back. I bit my lip as my hips slammed against the hard edge of the kitchen table over and over. Knowing it would make him happy, I breathed heavily as if I was close to orgasm. I faked orgasm just like I faked my heat each month, pretending Nathan met my need for a mate.

His hips continued hammering into mine, his hand knotting in my hair—hard enough to hurt—as he dragged my hips back toward him. He let out a roar as he came, and when he pulled out, his seed spilled down my thigh, hot and sticky. The feeling always made me sick.

I pulled up my jeans knowing he’d left bruises, and I was happy for the mottled purple and blue that would spread across my thighs. The evidence of pain was better than the lie that I wanted to be here, wantedhim.I pretended to stop him from hurting me worse. But I kept the truth close to my heart. Once, I had been loved and cherished by a good man, my true mate, and I had loved him with my whole being. My life with Nathan was nothing compared to that.

Two things kept me alive. My past with Brennan. My future with Dylan.

Nathan grabbed the kitchen towel from where it hung on the stove, wiped himself clean, then dropped it on the floor. He settled his junk back into his pants, still half-hard. “I’ll be thinking about you today.”

“I’ll be thinking about you too,” I promised.

He seemed to be in a better mood after fucking me. He often was.

“Maybe I’ll leave Dylan with you today after all.”

The scratching in my chest subsided, although the weight there never let up. “Whatever you want.”

I followed him to the garage, kissed him goodbye, and watched as he got into his truck and backed out. All the while, I could feelhimwet and clinging in my panties, making my thighs itch like I had to scrub him off my skin.. I didn’t exhale completely until he was finally down the road.

I’d been praying for Stockholm Syndrome to set in for a long time, to make this situation survivable. But I couldn’t make myself love Nathan.

So, I’d decided to kill him instead.



The sun was just beginningto burn away the mist in the mountains when I paced across the grass between the alpha house and the pack house. My lieutenants, Cole and Teresa, were already waiting in the library that functioned as our command center.

My eyes skipped over them, even though I knew my younger brother wasn’t hiding among the shelves. He wasn’t exactly the type to get lost in a library. “Where’s Shaw?”

Cole hesitated.

I raked my hand through my hair. “Would you drag him out of whoever’s bed he’s in?”

Cole nodded and rose, heading out the door.
