Page 29 of The Darkest Mark

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He was unarmed and outnumbered. It wasn't a fight. It was murder.But I didn’t waste words on him. He wanted to push me to be emotional, angry, out of control, and I wasn’t going to buy into his bullshit.

Nathan Longroad just needed to be wiped off the face of the earth. He didn’t belong on this fucking planet anymore.

I searched for my opening as the two of us circled each other. He was near the guardrail; a smoldering car was slammed up against it, the rail crumpled yet not broken. Mist hung over the mountains behind him. He gave me a brutish smile, then he lunged toward me.

I slipped away, realizing he was attempting to push me toward the guardrail too. He came after me, trying to knock me over the side. He threw a punch, and when I danced back, he threw himself into my body, shoving me toward the edge.

But I’d been waiting for this attack.

Instead of trying to escape him like he’d expected, I let us both stumble back. He tried to catch his balance, a sudden look of panic written across his face, as my calves slammed into the guardrail. For one wild second, I thought,it’s worth it if I take him out too.

I rolled to one side, throwing him over my shoulder.But it’s better if I live and this asshole dies.

He slammed into the narrow strip of hard ground on the other side of the guardrail. A look of horror swept over his face as he reached desperately out for me. The ground seemed far below, a lush, green valley in sharp contrast to this bloodbath high on the mountain.

My heart hammered wildly in my chest from how close I’d come to tumbling over the edge myself just to bring him with me.

I drew my gun, raising it to shoot him in the head like he’d done to Brennan. His eyes went wide with terror.

Then, abruptly, he stopped fighting to save himself. He threw his hands up and fell back, his eyes fixed on me creepily.

His body fell until he disappeared into the mist below.

I ran down the road to try to catch sight of his body. Maybe he’d slam into rocks all the way down. I wanted to make sure he was really dead.

But he had disappeared.

I let out a roar of frustration.

There was no way to reach him.

Until I had his body, until I put a bullet through his brain like he’d done to Brennan, I would never believe he was really gone.



I finally found Dylan.He stood shell-shocked and frozen with his back against the stone, so small that I could’ve missed him. The thought that I had almost overlooked him horrified me, and I hugged him tightly.

We still had to get out of here alive, but at least we’d found each other.

“Where’s Uncle Aiden?” I asked him.

He stared away without answering. I grabbed his shoulders, wanting to shake him out of it. My heart thudded along wildly.

Then I hugged him instead. He was so small, and it took a second for him to wrap his arms around my legs. I ran my hand through his hair and looked down into his face. His eyes shone with tears.

“Stay with me,” I told him, afraid I’d have to carry him the whole way. “I’m going to get us out of here.”

His gaze locked on something behind me, and I turned.

A giant, hulking man emerged from the fog. He was moving toward us swiftly and a sudden sense of terror swept through me.

Until a familiar face, ruggedly handsome, and icy blue eyes under dark hair resolved out of the mist. I let out a gasp. Brennan? He was alive. Or he was a ghost, come to lead Dylan and me out of this horror show.

The next second, I knew it wasn’t Brennan. His face was broader than Brennan’s, and a few lines carved along those hard eyes; Brennan was perpetually twenty years old in my memory.

Stone. Brennan’s younger brother. It had to be him.
