Page 39 of The Darkest Mark

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Shaw shot her a faux-wounded look. Then he told me, “I’m the youngest son. Liam’s the oldest. Then Brennan, then Stone, then Karissa, then me. So I grew up in the shadow of—“

Karissa cut him off. “You grew up shining a spotlight on yourself just like you’re doing now.”

I grinned at the two of them. Feeling braver, I dared to ask, “And…what about Stone?”

Shaw snorted. “He acts like he can bring Brennan back if he can just do everything right.”

HearingBrennansent a shockwave reeling through me. They talked about him so casually, and it made me ache as if I were feeling old wounds I’d tried to ignore.

Shaw went on, “Ever since we were kids, he and Brennan tried to protect Liam, but losing Brennan drove him off the deep end—”

Karissa rested her hand warningly on Shaw’s arm. He’d gone too deep into their family problems for her, and he gave us both an apologetic smile. But I wished he’d keep talking. I’d have to find the chance to talk to him, just the two of us.

“Speaking of Stone, I have to talk to my brother,” Karissa said. “I’d . . . stay in the house just until we get everything cleared up.”

“Like I’m a guest?”

She smiled. “Youarea guest.”

I wondered if Stone knew that.

I was heading up the stairs with Dylan when I heard the front door open. Another woman’s voice said, “Stone wants a report on the girl. I’m taking her with me.”

I beckoned Dylan to go ahead to Brennan’s old room, but he stopped on the stairs and refused to budge. Since I wanted to eavesdrop, I just had to hope he wouldn’t say anything.

“Teresa, you know she has a name.” Karissa sounded mocking.

“Don’t get attached,” Teresa answered. Something icy settled in my stomach, and I gripped Dylan’s shoulder, hoping he’d stay quiet. I needed to hear.

“What kind of report does my brother want, exactly?”

“He wants me to take her to Louisa for interrogation.”

My heart bottomed out.

Karissa laughed. “I see.”

Teresa moved to the bottom of the stairs. I was startled to come face-to-face with her as she looked up at me. She was a tall, athletic woman around my age, with long brown hair. I was terrified of what interrogation meant and what would happen to Dylan while I was gone and if I would be hurt when I came back and it would scare him.

Then Karissa stepped into view, blocking Teresa from me. “Tell my brother he can fuck all the way off. He might need to make besties with Elon Musk, so he can fuck off the entire planet.”

“I am not telling our alpha that,” Teresa retorted.

“Then I will,” Karissa said. To Shaw, she added, “Look out for Amelia. If anyone takes her out of this house, I’ll cut your nuts off.”

“You don’t have to threaten me.” Shaw shook his head. “Jesus.”

“Maybe I just like to,” Karissa said with a slightly psychotic smile. She waved up at me. “Teresa and I are going to talk to Stone. You stay here.”

She hustled Teresa out, and then it was just Dylan, Shaw, and me, standing awkwardly on the stairs.



Stone,Teresa, and I had gathered to debrief that afternoon, along with our troops. As we were winding down, Stone signaled to Teresa, then sent her to fetch Amelia. Once the pack’s fighters filed out, the room was quiet, and I finally had the chance to process everything that had happened.

“What’s bothering you?” Stone asked roughly.
