Page 52 of The Darkest Mark

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I didn’t doubt he meant it, but why?

His words summoned the image of the flickering curtain, of my family turning their backs when Nathan beat me outside Lawson’s front door.

“They couldn’t do anything,” I said softly. “No one could stop him.”

“I could,” Stone said fiercely.

For a second, I could believe it, that Stone could protect me.

If Stone wasn’t the biggest danger.

“Whatever they should have done,” I said, “I need to know if they’re alive or not. You beat my friend Lawson. I think you might have killed him.”

“Your friend Lawson?” His eyes darkened with jealousy.

“Jealous? Don’t you have friends?”

He laughed, but it was a hard, bitter sound. “You have no right to make demands.”

I laughed right back at him, high and forced. “You think you’re so much better than any of my pack. Would you have killed me if you hadn’t thought that was Brennan’s child? Would you have killed me in front of my son? Why do you think you’re any better than Nathan?”

I turned and stormed through the front door, only realizing then that we had an audience. Half his pack had paused their training to watch.

As I reached the front door, Stone said, “I’m granting you forgiveness today, Amelia. But do not push me.”

He had to save face in front of his pack, and I feared what he would do if he thought he’d lost it.

That thought was the only thing that kept me from slamming the door in his face.



“Come on,”Shaw told me. “Stone asked us to check in on Amelia.”

“Why didn’t he tell me that?”

“My brother works in mysterious ways.”

“That’s god.Godworks in mysterious ways.”

Shaw feigned shock. “I won’t tell Stone you implied he isn’t nearly as powerful as he thinks he is.”

“You’re all exhausting. You know that?”

“And you growled at me last night.”

“My wolf must have thought you looked shifty.”

“I’m not sure it’s your wolf that doesn’t like me.”

I stopped, confused. “No. I’ve never said that.”

“Then why’d you growl at me? Your wolf feeling protective of Amelia?”

“Oh, knock it off.”

Shaw grinned broadly. I could see why my wolf had growled at him.
