Page 85 of The Darkest Mark

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“Good,” he commented. “You're getting better all the time."

"Yeah, you seem like you're getting better too. Good job, sport." I clapped him on the shoulder, but once my hand connected with the solid, warm muscle, I felt suddenly awkward. His gaze followed my arm to where my hand connected with his body.

I folded my hands primly in front of me. "You're not holding back as much anymore."

"It would be a disservice to you," he said seriously. "You're improving at an incredible rate, Amelia. Your pack didn't realize they were wasting quite the warrior."

"I'm not a warrior," I said.

He raised his eyebrows, his gaze intense. "I only know a little bit of what you've been through, Amelia. And I'd trust my life to believing that you are a warrior, through and through."

The moment seemed to hang between us. He was so close that I could breathe in his scent, which was alluring even when he was sweating. He chewed mint gum all the time and the freshness on his breath when he leaned toward me washed over me.

Our gazes met. He hesitated, but for a second, I could have sworn he was about to kiss me.

"I admire you," he said quietly. "I hope you can see yourself the way I do, someday."

Those words rushed through me, heady and intoxicating. I stared up at him in surprise. Cole was incredible; it was unreal to have him say he admired me.

Then Cole pulled away abruptly, squaring his shoulders and tightening his posture. Those faint movements changed the air between us.

I knew who was coming even before I caught his scent.

When Stone strode into the yard, he smelled of fresh sweat and forest pines and newly turned dirt. My nostrils flared as if the wolf inside me couldn't resist. He smelled of all the places he'd been and things he'd done. It was the scent of a man who'd been all over the world, seen it, conquered it.

God, Stone got into my head like no one else.

Stone's presence had an immediate effect—the air seemed to crackle with electricity, and I could feel Cole's gaze on my skin like a gentle caress. His warm, dark eyes locked with mine as Stone took one look at us and then made a snorting sound to himself as he moved past.

"Go on," Stone ordered, before he settled himself on the porch steps. Apparently we were the morning's entertainment.

I bristled in irritation, but Cole gave me a reassuring look. "Time to show him what you've got," he said lightly.

In that moment, something snapped between us. The desire in Cole's eyes was unmistakable. But what did he want? To win Stone's approval by having trained me well?

Or... did he wantme?

"Show me what you've learned," Stone called out. “Or are you wasting my second-in-command’s time?”

My jaw set, and Cole flashed me a quick wink, as if he knew Stone was pushing my buttons. That wink shocked me. It was the first time Cole had shown me a glimpse of being on my side–and the first time I’d seen him reveal any mischievousness when he was in his human form.

We circled each other warily, neither of us wanting to make the first move. Which was how I felt every time I was near Cole, like there was something I should do but I couldn't quite bring myself to reach out first.

Then finally, he punched me, and I deflected the blow up with my arm striking from beneath his. The two of us both stepped in toward each other, seeking an opening for another blow, before we whirled apart. The dance was on.

Our fists flew faster than our words ever could, each punch creating an explosion of sparks through my body. I'd felt so helpless for so long, but I didn't feel helpless in the give and take of punches and blocks with Cole.

Our bodies moved together seamlessly as we danced around each other, neither of us wanting to give an inch.

I wasn't the only one feeling it. I could smell the scent of Cole's desire. It was like something heady in the air between us.

I couldn't deny the attraction I felt toward him.

But I wasn't sure if it was just lust.

I kept my hands up protectively, blocking blow after blow while I tried to figure out what it was. I was too keenly aware of Stone's gaze on my back, judging me.

Maybe I shouldn't care what Stone thought, but I did. I cared a lot.
