Page 11 of Barbarian

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“Then how did she betray you?”

I was growing tired of bringing Camille to these things. Now she felt comfortable questioning me about shit that was none of her business, and she was becoming noticeably pregnant, so that wasn’t great for my image. I told her the story in as few sentences as possible.

For once, Camille was shocked into silence.

“It’s over.”

“Don’t you think you’re being a little unfair?”


“You do realize that situation never would have happened if you hadn’t slept with her, right? Once you knew you didn’t need her, you could have just walked away. But you didn’t. You’re solely responsible for the situation she was in. You dragged her into it.”

I looked elsewhere, ignoring her face.

“You’re being a little harsh.”

“She made her choice, Camille.”

“So, she was supposed to not care that you were going to destroy her family?” she asked incredulously. “It’s not just her father, but her sister, her other relatives tied up in the business. You just expected her to blindly choose you? What are you, a narcissist?”

“Yes, but that’s not the point.”


“Your opinion means nothing to me.”

That shut her up.

I’d had to grow eyes in the back of my head because a number of my men were no longer loyal to me. At some point, there would be an attempt on my life. My work had been my home, but now I had to look over my shoulder every second of every day when I walked through the front door.

“I can tell you’re miserable without her.”

“I’m miserable because she ruined my fucking life.”


“Enough.” I looked her dead in the eye, and my threat was unmistakable.

That was the end of the conversation—and probably the end of our business relationship.



I was sitting at the table with my laptop and a glass of wine when someone knocked on the door.

My eyes flicked up immediately, and my heart gave a lunge.

What if it was him?

He was the only person who stopped by my apartment unannounced. And it was evening, just before he started his day. I looked like hell with my hair in a bun and my face without makeup, but that wouldn’t stop me from opening the door.

I looked through the peephole first—and my disappointment fell to the floor like a heavy brick.

It was Victor.

The second I opened the door, he looked me over with concern, like I’d still be bleeding a week later. “I had to see that you’re okay.”
