Page 14 of Barbarian

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The last thing I wanted to do was give her false hope. I wasn’t cruel. “What did he want?”

Her entire face deflated like a balloon popped by a tiny needle. It was slow…and agonizing. “You’re still watching my apartment.”

“If your father steps foot into my territory, the truce is void.”

Once she understood my motivation, her skin went pale as chalk.

“What did he want?” I repeated.

“To see if I was okay.” Her voice was quiet, as if she barely had the energy to string a couple words together.

“What else? He was here for an hour and seventeen minutes.”

Her stare hardened, but she still didn’t have the energy to get angry. “What does it matter?”

“Trust me, it matters. Now, answer my question.”

“He asked if we were still together…and I said no. He said my father wanted to call, but he knew I wouldn’t answer. I told Victor that Leonardo better stay away from me. And that was it.”

“He’s putting out feelers.”

“I know. That’s why I tried to throw him off the scent…even though I’m coming for him.” She reached for her arm and lightly massaged it. “Once my arm fully heals, at least.” She walked back to the table and took a seat.

There was nothing left for me to do but leave.

“Sit with me.” She refilled her wineglass. “I have a proposition for you.”

I studied her for a while before I dropped into the chair across from her, the place I assumed Victor had just occupied. My anger throbbed underneath the surface, annoyed that he had the audacity to come here and act like he gave a damn.


My eyes flicked to hers.

“You look angry all of a sudden.”

“I don’t think Victor had any business being here.”

Her fingers rested on the stem of her glass. “He said he didn’t know my father’s plan. I believe him.”

I believed him too. But that didn’t change anything. “Your proposition?”

She rebuffed my coldness by taking a drink. “We both want him dead. Let’s work together.” Her face glowed with sincerity. She had the tint of blood lust in the corners of her eyes. The same rampant rage I felt bottled in my chest was bottled in hers. It wasn’t an empty threat, but a true motivation. She’d had a week to cool her temper, but now she glowed red like she’d been roasting above a campfire that entire time.

I’d never found her more beautiful. “Sparing his business was the condition of your release.”

“But not sparing his life.”

“I vowed not to return to his territory.”

“Then we’ll lure him out of that territory.”

“I appreciate your enthusiasm, but he’s not an idiot.”

“I told him we weren’t together anymore. So you could threaten to kill me unless he comes to Paris.”

I didn’t want to remind her why that wouldn’t work, but she left me no choice. “He would have kept shooting you until I caved. He was fully prepared to kill you, Laura. So, no, that plan won’t work.”

Her eyes were shielded, so whatever hurt she felt deep inside was invisible. “He didn’t play by the rules, so why do you?”
