Page 13 of Craving Us

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His expression changes as his brows draw together, less joyful to concerned.

“Son, I warned you about too much pussy.” Dad huffs, then places his hand on my shoulder. “Too much, and you get bored. Once you’re bored, you start searching for something else.”

“C’mon, Dad,” I drag. “There’s no such thing as too much pussy.”

“Trust me, there is.”

This is all very rich coming from the man who constantly taunts my mother that he is the hottest thing alive and can get any woman he wants. I’ve seen him in action, and so has Mom. Anytime any other woman goes near him, he freaks and shows his wedding ring. Quite frankly, it’s fucking hilarious, even Mom makes fun of it.

But my problem is not over too much pussy as Dad likes to put it. My problem is I’m kinda, sorta—falling for a woman who has no interest in me.

To Alexa, I’m just her annoying friend or, as she likes to call me, a brother from another mother. She’s totally friend-zoned me.

And I know exactly why.

She’s still in love withhim.

Even though the media have published articles saying he’s expecting a baby with his wife.

The stupid chest-tightening thing happens again, annoying me with its presence. It has everything to do with Alexa’s reaction to the news. Unless, of course, she doesn’t find out.

Yeah, you’re an idiot for even thinking it’s possible.

I send her a quick text, reminding her of tonight, hoping to suss her out.


I’m coming by at nine. Don’t even think about pretending to be asleep.


I wasn’t pretending last week. I was actually asleep.

My lips curve upward, remembering how she was so pathetically pretending to be asleep, but I caught her trying to hold back a laugh.


Sure, usually you snore and make these moaning sounds like you’re having the best sex of your life. Look, I know I’m good. So maybe you need to test me out in real life instead of dreaming about me.



I try my best to convince Alexa to wear something else. I’m not stupid. Every fucking moron and his dog-ass friend will be trying to get their hands on her. Most of the time, I’m on the verge of punching pretty boy faces, but of course, Alexa is always the one telling me she can hold her own.

Just like this feminist bullshit speech she is giving me right now.

My teeth grind involuntarily, wishing to God she would just listen for once instead of arguing every single point I make.

The dress is short and shows way too much. I turn away, begging myself to let it go, but at the same time, I keep my eye on her and make sure no one even thinks about laying a finger on her.

Our pact, I guess I’ll just bring that up.

It doesn’t take us long to arrive at the penthouse and head straight to the bar. Alexa nursing her drink is amusing, given I don’t give a damn and drink shots like it’s my last day on Earth.

As always, she drags us to the dance floor, which I don’t mind since it means I can stay close and protect her from the greasy fuckers eyeing her already.

I lean in over the noise, trying to ignore the sweltering heat on the dance floor. “Come closer, or you’re about to be hit on.”
