Page 33 of Craving Us

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Eric fans his face. “I need to sit down. And bring me a cold towel.”

I usher him to my armchair inside my room, making sure he sits down and doesn’t faint. I keep a cold washcloth inside my mini refrigerator just in case I get a headache or overheat. Removing it from there, I quickly rush it over to Eric and place it on his forehead.

“Is that better?”

“Yes, sweetheart, thank you.”

He breathes in and out fast like he’s about to give birth or something, then makes this weird sound. Finally, he sits up straight in the chair and stares at me.

“I want all the details. Who’s the daddy? How far along are you? Are you still sleeping with him?”

This time, I take a deep breath. “It’s Hunter’s baby, I’m in my second trimester, and no, I’m not sleeping with him. I haven’t spoken to him since the ball, and he doesn’t know.”

“Sweet Jesus,” Eric gasps. “Pass me the cloth again.”

It takes longer for Eric to calm down this time as I sit beside him and massage his hand. If this is the reaction I get from him, I’m not looking forward to everyone else.

“Okay, I’m ready.” He inhales, then exhales, forcing a smile. “Hunter Cash?”

“Yes,” I admit.

“He’s having a baby with his wife.”

“Yes,” I repeat. “Which is why I can’t have this leak out. I don’t want him to know. It will complicate everything.”

“Sure.” Eric nods, but then he falls silent, just watching me. He reaches out, placing his hand on mine. “Sweetie, every child needs a father.”

“But the child will have a grandfather and so many uncles. The child will be loved,” I reassure him.

“Just have a think about it, okay? In the meantime, do you need me to dish up dirt? I can get my people on it.”

“I don’t need dirt. What I need is to tell my parents when they’re back. Once they know, I don’t care about anyone else in the family.”

“You mean your sisters?”

“Yes… I will tell them once my parents know.”

“For someone about to tell Lex Edwards she’s pregnant at twenty to a man Lex isn’t fond of, you seem awfully calm.”

I cross my arms and lower my gaze onto the floor, focusing on the thick socks on my feet. “I feel like I’ve spent my whole life making mistakes. Is this ideal? No way. Am I terrified? Yes. But I have a choice to either give my child the best possible life or sit here and dwell on things I can’t control.”

Eric’s lips curve up as he reaches out for me again. “You’re so loved, sweetie. You’ll be just fine.”

“Aw, Eric, stop. You’re too much,” I tease, then laugh.

“Wasn’t I? That was exhausting.”

Eric’s phone rings, interrupting our conversation. He glances over, but judging by his facial expression, he doesn’t recognize the number.

“These damn telemarketers,” he complains.

“Oh yeah?” I try my best to keep a blank face. “They’re relentless, aren’t they?”

“Ruthless sharks,” he adds. “I won’t pick up this call. One time, I picked up, thinking it was important. Let’s just say I was in the middle of a little ‘how’s your father’,” he whispers.

“How’s your what?”

“Your father. It’s English for lovemaking.”
