Page 68 of Craving Us

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“I think you’re both doing the right thing.”

“Dad probably disagrees, and Beau is avoiding me.”

“Your father will come around because he always does. Let him be his stubborn self. He will never change. As for Beau, I can imagine it’s hard. He’s probably scared of losing you.”

“But I’ll always be his friend, Mom. I just can’t give him anymore. We tried once, and it nearly broke our friendship for good.”

Mom presses her lips with a knowing nod. “Focus on your son. In the end, when it comes to your relationships, your heart will want what it wants. There’s no changing it.”

With Elijah beginning to squirm in my arms, I excuse myself to my room to feed him in private. When he latches on, my breasts relax, and the dull ache slowly goes away. He’s such a good drinker now. I only hope I can continue to produce milk for the next year.

My eyes close from exhaustion but quickly re-open to tuck Elijah into his crib so I don’t smother him in my sleep. When he’s all nice and snug, he falls asleep instantly.

I lay back in bed and turned to my side. There’s a text message on my screen from Beau:


I’ll be flying out on Saturday morning. I want to see you and Elijah before I leave.

And sorry for being a prick.

You deserve better from me.

Just as I’m about to respond, a text message comes from Hunter. I recognize the number, even though my number is different, and I don’t know how he got this. With my emotions fueled with anger today, I forgot to give it to him.


My place, Friday at 7 p.m. If you’re unable to make it, please let me know beforehand.

He sounds so formal, with not a single ounce of emotion in his text message.

And once again, I feel forced to choose between my best friend and the father of my child. A predicament I wish I was never in, had I learned to make wise decisions instead of acting on impulse.



The door closes behind her as I stand inside my office in complete and utter shock.

I have a son.

A son Alexandra Edwards has carried for the last nine months.

The room begins to spin, so I rest my arm against the glass window and lean my head against it. Outside, people are going about their lives as if nothing life-changing has occurred. Only fifteen minutes ago, I was one of those people. Inside a meeting room, listening to our finance team project numbers.

Then, Alexandra dropped the biggest bombshell she could possibly drop on me.

When Meredith asked to see me for something urgent, I excused myself only to be told Alexandra was in my office with something important she needed to discuss. I had no idea what it was, only assuming it had something to do with a previous reference. Thinking an email could have easily sufficed.

Boy, was I fucking wrong.

There’s a knock on my door, but I don’t answer. Another knock, but I’m paralyzed, unable to even speak. When it opens, Meredith enters and then closes the door behind her.

“Is everything okay, Mr. Cash? The team is still waiting for you in the boardroom.”

My entire body feels like it’s shutting down, emotionally numb, as Meredith repeatedly calls my name.

“Cancel the meeting,” I command.
