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"I want you to join forces with me," the Dark One answered calmly, completely unfazed by my attitude, "You have many abilities, some far superior to mine." He raised a clawed finger and pointed it directly at me. At first, nothing happened but then his hand began glowing bright red. "And I can sense your's strong, much stronger than mine and it will only grow with the years." The dragon grinned. "Come to me, Queen of the dragons. Join with me. Become one of us." His voice softened slightly but his grin remained plastered on his face.

"Why should I trust a word you say?!" I shouted, taking a step forward. I could feel the rage growing inside me, threatening to erupt if I didn't vent some of my frustration out.

The Dark One flinched but recovered quickly. "Because you have no choice, Your Majesty. You must join with me willingly."

"Why should I believe anything you say?" I glared at him, daring him to tell the truth even though I already knew what his answer would be.

He smiled softly and extended his taloned arm towards me, showing me the same symbol he made me sign earlier, "Because I am your destiny, My Queen."

My heart sank at his words. I was stuck. I couldn't run now; I couldn't hide anymore.

I hurled my fire at him, covering him in it from head to toe. He roared in pain as it burned through the scales of his wings and tail, and I heard someone scream. I didn't care; I hated the beast in front of me more. The dragon writhed on the ground, desperately trying to fight the flames.

He got to his feet and lunged at me, striking me with his wings. I spun around from the impact and hurled a blast of fire at him. His scales burst into flame as his black wings caught fire. He stumbled backward, unable to fly. A roar erupted from somewhere beyond the flames.

A dragon emerged from the woods surrounding us. He stared for a moment before yelling, "Take the amulet!"

I looked at the Dark One, noticing for the first time the amulet around his neck. I rushed towards him, but he dodged my attempt, striking me on my side with his tail. I cried out in pain, barely managing to dodge the second blow. He leaped on me, wrapping his claws around my neck and lifting me off the ground. Blood dripped freely from my open wound. I kicked against his stomach and scratched at his scales with my claws. He held on tightly with his teeth, crushing the windpipe beneath them. I screamed as I felt my blood gush onto the ground underneath us. Finally, I managed to slip free. The Dark One released me and I collapsed to the ground gasping for air. My vision blurred and it felt like I was drowning.

I heard Grayson and Drako yelling before seeing them shift and attack the Shadow Dragons there to protect the Dark One. The Dark One caught sight of them and shot a dark blast of smoke at them. They flew in opposite directions, barely missing the blast.

The rage in me rushed to the surface as I watched him prepare to attack. There was no more time for playing games. He wasn't going to stop until we were all dead. I sprang to my feet, ignoring my seeping wounds and bloodstained scales. I charged at him, and he jumped up, preparing to attack again, but before he could launch his attacks, I slammed into him, shoving him off balance and sending him crashing into a tree. His body slumped to the ground while his claws continued trying to hold onto me. I dug my claws into his chest and forced his arms apart. I climbed onto his back, reaching around to grab the amulet. He thrashed underneath me in pain. Finally, I found the clasp and lifted it, turning it over and over in my hands. Just as my fingers touched it, he twisted his head and bit into the back of my leg. Pain flashed through me, making me lose my grip on the amulet. I slid off his back and landed several yards away. My legs gave out and I fell to the ground with an agonized cry.

The Dark One laughed and slowly moved to where I lay. When he reached me, he bent over me, hovering over me as he examined the damage.

"Didn't think you could actually manage to hit me with those little claws of yours," he whispered, leaning in close and placing his face directly above mine, "It looks like I was right. You're weaker than you think. You're nothing without me." He paused briefly before pulling back suddenly, grabbing a large rock lying nearby and smashing it into my shoulder.

With a yell of agony, I grabbed my shoulder, pressing my hand against the wound. More crimson blood trickled down my arm. Tears leaked from my eyes as the pain coursed throughout my body. My whole body trembled with the effort not to pass out. The Dark One chuckled, watching as I cradled my wounded shoulder, still clutching it with my other hand.

"Don't worry, baby girl," he cooed as he leaned back in closer, "We'll fix you." Another sharp crack echoed throughout the clearing as his talons made contact with my injured shoulder. Another scream ripped itself from my throat. Tears flowed freely down my cheeks.

I heard the Dark One laughing as he moved away from me. His laughter grew louder when he turned his back on me and walked further away from me. A sudden realization struck me, and the tears stopped flowing down my face as I finally understood what he meant by fixing me.

My body suddenly went rigid, and I gasped, trying to find something to hold onto but there was nothing there. I closed my eyes in an attempt to calm my racing thoughts and focus. After several seconds of struggling to keep myself conscious, something clicked behind my eyelids. A bright blue glow filled my mind. It started at the tips of my fingertips, spreading out from my hands and running up my arms towards my ears. Suddenly the blue light vanished and instead appeared all around me. I felt a strange sensation as energy surged through me. I felt powerful and in control of myself once again. I opened my eyes, staring straight at the Dark One. A smirk formed across his lips, obviously pleased that he had managed to break my concentration.

"That's better," he said calmly, nodding his head approvingly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he took another step towards me, holding out his clawed hand, ready to strike if necessary. Without hesitating, I grasped his arm firmly between my fingers, feeling his bones grinding painfully under the pressure. As soon as I did so, however, the pain vanished.

The Dark One blinked. He glanced at our joined hands before glancing down at my bloody arm and back up at me again.

"How-" He swallowed hard and shook his head as if to clear it. "What are you doing? Release me now! I'm warning you, Queen, this is the last time I ask nicely!"

I smirked, pushing him down slightly harder. He yelped and fell to his knees.

"Or else what? You'll send someone after me? Someone stronger than you? Who knows how much of my power you've siphoned from me, hmm?" He snarled at me, glaring angrily at me, "Release me!"

I tightened my grip on his arm. "Never..." I replied calmly.

Before he could speak or move, I felt a wave of power wash through my body. It flowed into every part of me and through my veins, flooding my whole being. I felt like I could do whatever I wanted. I felt powerful. I ripped the amulet from his neck and threw it aside. Before he had the chance to react, I pushed my foot into his chest, pushing him backwards. I shot the white light straight at him. He crashed against a tree, falling to the ground. I turned around, looking down at him, satisfied with the result.

His eyes widened as he stared at me. For the first time ever, I saw fear in them, although it was quickly replaced by anger and hatred. Then it disappeared, returning to their usual cold expressionless state.

"You will pay, Queen...for what you've done to me."

I grinned evilly, enjoying the look of horror on his face as the amulet came back into existence. This time, a bright blue glow encompassed his entire form and lifted him off the ground. I swung my tail, hitting on the side and sending him flying backwards through the trees. I sprinted at him, slashing with my claws.

He rolled to the side but not fast enough to avoid them. I slashed his wing before he had time to defend himself. With a loud scream, he let go of his transformation and tumbled to the ground unconscious, clutching his wing in a tight fist. I ran up to him, standing over him for one long moment before bending down and picking up the amulet.
