Page 2 of Dancing & Drama

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Now that I was alone and had a brief moment of clarity, I set up my snacks in the kitchenette and grabbed a few cookies. Luck was still on my side, so I found a balcony attached to my room. I pushed open the curtains and the door then stepped out, letting the crisp breeze cool my heated skin. It was oddly peaceful, the city quiet this time of night, especially since I was about twenty minutes away from the bustling downtown center.

A loud knock on the door forced me to leave my pocket of peace. I rushed across the room and checked through the peephole before opening the door. A muscled man was standing there, dressed entirely in black, with a bag in one hand. His face had to have been chiseled from fucking stone, and he had gorgeous sharp gray eyes that studied me as a small smile quirked up his lips. His skin was sun-kissed, but it looked natural, like he’d spent countless hours outside.

“Uh, hi,” I squeaked out as I stepped aside,veryaware of how dressed he was and how little I was wearing. His nostrils flared as he walked past, and for some reason, his low groan had me biting back one of my own.The soap blocked as much of my scent as possible, but it couldn’t counteract the full power behind the scent of an omega in heat. Usually, I wasn’t affected by men, but apparently I was going all in on this dude. “Snacks are in the kitchenette if you need fuel before it fully hits.”

“Water?” He raised an eyebrow when I didn’t answer.

“Uh, maybe there’s a vending machine? Or the tap,” I suggested with a shrug. He looked like he wanted to say something more, but he walked past me instead and started to make himself at home by ordering room service. Of course, he couldn’t just order water; he ordered food too. I couldn’t even complain since he charged it to his tab instead of mine.

He took a deep breath before settling in the armchair and leaning back, his eyes on me. They raked over my nearly naked body, and I could already feel the fog of heat rolling back in, ready to pull me under and consume me.

“I need air,” I gasped out as lust coursed through me, then I practically ran to the balcony again. This time, the crisp air did nothing for me, not even a ghost of relief to soothe my skin. A strong ache pulsed between my thighs, and I knew this was it. There was no more pushing off the heat.

For a moment, I was almost worried about the stranger I was handing my life over to for the next week, but then I reminded myself that this was clinical, nothing more than a transaction. He’d make sure I was safe and my needs were met, knotting me until I passed out before doing it all over again.

No strings, no connections.

I can do this.

* * *


This wasn’t what I’d signed up for. I mean it was, but from the moment this omega opened the hotel door, I knew this wouldn’t be like any other job. The uncertainty in her green eyes as she stared up at me and her nerves as she rushed around the apartment… It woke up all my protective instincts.

As she stood outside on the balcony, I could hear her whimper, and that was about all I could stand. I didn’t have it in me to listen to her suffering alone. Walking over to where she stood, I snagged her around the waist and pulled her inside the room before hitting a button on the wall to close the curtains. Her small hands were fumbling around, trying to undress me, as I walked her back to the bedroom.

I had been hoping to talk to her before her heat fully took over, to see what her limits were or if there was anything she didn’t like, but it was too late for that. I’d have to tease out some answers during her moments of lucidity and keep things tame until then. She dropped her towel and fell backward onto the bed, her body on display for me. It took everything in me to keep from jumping her right then.

Sienna Rivers was gorgeous. Petite, with small curves that were just enough to make my mouth water and my dick throb. Another wave of heat hit my senses, so I quickly undressed and joined her on the bed, covering her small body with my own. Her pupils were blown wide, her cheeks flushed, and those beautiful lips of hers parted when our skin touched.

“Please,” her husky voice cracked.

I slanted my mouth over hers, sliding my tongue along hers as she pulled my hair tie out, making my hair fall around us. She hummed into the kiss, her hands yanking at the long strands to pull me even closer. I teased her clit, my fingers easily sliding through the slick that drenched my hand as she tried to fuck herself on my fingers.

“Shhh, micetta,” I teased as I pulled back. Unable to resist, I lifted my fingers to my mouth and licked her slick off of them. A deep purr rumbled in my chest when the sweet, refreshing taste of her hit my tongue. “I’ll take care of you.”

“Hurry the fuck up before I take what I need, alpha,” she taunted, challenge flashing in her eyes. There was a dangerous grin on her face, and it fit her perfectly. I had a feeling she might not show off that smile all the time, there was something quieter, softer about her nature beneath the heat currently driving her, and it made me feelprivilegedto see it directed at me.

“So bold, omega. I’ve got what you need.”

“Then give it to me,” she countered, rocking her hips in search of the knot only I could give her. I teased her a bit more, wanting to watch the lust and need build inside of her. The strain on her face as I played with her clit, easing up each time her climax came too close, was such a delicious promise of what was to come. She was cursing me out by the time I slipped the condom on and lined up my cock at her entrance, but my hungry anticipation was immediately stopped by her scream when I slowly thrust inside of her.

Looking to where we were joined, I checked for blood but found nothing.What was going on?Her eyes were just a touch too wide, her small breasts shaking with the heaviness of her deep breaths.

“Micetta? Talk to me.”

“I’ve never… God, you’re huge,” she whimpered, and her body shifted under me as if trying to decide whether it wanted more of me or not.

“You’re a virgin?” I choked out. That was a fact I really would have liked prior warning about, but there was no turning back now. Oh, if she changed her mind with a definitiveno thanks, I would muster every bit of will power I had and get myself the fuck out of this hotel room, but if she gave the signal to continue, despite her shaky breath and the untouched tightness of her clenching around me, I wouldn’t be able to resist. My hips were already rocking, prepared to slowly, gently fuck my way inside of her.

“Not once you keep going. Please,” she groaned, digging her fingers into my back.

“King,” I grunted as I slid in another inch.


“My name. When you cry out this week, scream my name,” I demanded, feeling uncharacteristically jealous. “My name is King.”
