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Chapter 1

“Inow pronounce you man and wife,” the priest stated with a smile. “You may kiss your bride.”

The crowd gathered inside the huge sanctuary watched as the bride and groom turned to one another. Smiles shone from the guests behind and beside them and even the bride and groom wore smiles, but had they looked into the eyes of the bride they’d have seen the glint in them wasn’t of a woman in love.

The groom lifted the veil and reached out for her, pulling her into an embrace that would fool even the most skeptical acquaintance.

“Time to start earning your keep darling,” he whispered to her lowering his face to hers.

The glint in her eyes turned dark and she hissed, “I hate you.”

“I know you do but no one else is going to, will they?” he stated.

“Kiss her already!” someone from the back yelled eliciting laughter from the rest of the room.

“Kiss me and I’ll bite your lip,” she threatened.

“That’d just prove the idea that we can’t wait for tonight,” he said before claiming her lips. He held her tightly to him refusing to let her have her way. Her teeth sank into his bottom lip andher fingernails dug into his arm. He pulled back sending her a grin that spelled trouble and told her frankly, “You’ll regret that Gabrielle.”

“The only thing I regret is ever meeting you and being forced into this sham,” she whispered as he pulled her completely against him and then kissed her again.

Their guests cheered and his hold loosened enough for him to wave at them which only egged them on. Gabby took opportunity of the moment and put her heel down along the inside of his foot and his hold dropped as he stumbled slightly.

“Man, I’ve heard about women being swept off their feet, but this is the first time I’ve ever seen my buddy Wyatt bowled over,” the best man, Eric, said, laughing loudly.

“Ladies and gentlemen may I introduce Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Isaacs the Third,” the priest said turning them towards their guests. More applause sent them down the aisle, hand in hand until they reached the foyer and the wedding planner set them up for the receiving line.

Gabby smiled though she felt like screaming because she didn’t have a choice. If she walked out things would go from regular bad to horror movie level. Her cheeks hurt from the effort to smile and every time someone laughed about how well she and Wyatt fit together she gritted her teeth to keep the true reply from slipping through her lips.

After the final person went through the line, they still had to stand around for pictures, documenting the wonderful occasion for all to see, and for Gabby documenting her deal with a man who was worse than the devil. Wyatt was her legal husband but it would only remain on paper. If he put one toe across the line she wouldn’t care what happened to her, she’d leave him and take everything she could get her hands on.

She knew it would be risky but she wouldn’t have to worry about the whole truth coming out. She’d covered their trackswell enough and even the most diligent of Wyatt’s investigators would never be able to discover it all. If she’d been a bit quicker, she might have been able to get out of town before it all hit but she hadn’t and now she was married to a man who despised her and she honestly wished his plane would crash on his next trip. A great way to start a marriage, wishing your brand new husband would die a fiery death but this was not going to be a typical marriage and she’d make sure no one else would find out about it.

The evening passed by slowly, the constant stream of well wishes from friends and family members, quips from her work acquaintances about her unbelievable luck in catching the most eligible man in the country and gaining a fortune. If they only knew that the prenup she signed left her with nothing when they divorced, they wouldn’t think she was so lucky. If they knew the only reason she was marrying him was to stay out of jail and keep her secrets safe they’d be floored. He could try all he wanted to get them out of her but if there was one thing she could do, it was keep a secret.

He finally ushered her out of the reception under a shower of bubbles and rose petals, and he lifted her into his arms as they crossed the lobby to the elevator. With their backs to everyone, it appeared they were kissing as the doors opened but in fact, they were once again arguing.

“Put me down,” she demanded when he walked into it. She forced a smile onto her face as they turned to wave and as soon as the doors closed, he dropped her.

“Thank yousomuch,” she stated sarcastically, fighting her way up through the mass of dress. They glared across the tiny space at one another until the doors opened into the middle of the opulent presidential suite that had been booked for them.

“You said to put you down,” he chuckled as they entered the suite.

“Go to hell.”

“Aw, such sweet words from my beautiful wife,” he snickered.

Gabby walked away from him and towards the second bedroom without a reply because the only one she had for him would be to go to hell again.

“Where are you going?” Wyatt inquired.

“To get out of this ridiculous dress and the hell away from you.”

“The bedroom’s the other way.”

“I’m not sleeping in that room oranyroom with you. And just so we’re clear…that means I’m not having sex with you, ever. Hope you enjoy celibacy Wyatt.”

“There won’t be any celibacy in this marriage,” he said closing the space between them in an instant. He backed her into the wall and pressed his body against hers, his head hovering above hers menacingly.
