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“Because they checked,” she admitted, though she’d argued about it. “Why were the police at the house though?”

“Someone found the car pushed into the river,” he said. “They found your purse a few blocks away from there and your wallet further down the block, all of your cash had been taken and the credit cards were missing but your id was still there. The police showed up at the office and I didn’t know what to think.”

“You thought I ran?” she guessed.

“For about ten minutes, until they said they’d found blood on the outside of the car, blood that had to have come from your head there,” he stated nodding towards the spot that now held two butterfly bandages. “They kept asking me if I knew who would do this to you and all I could think was that the only person with a grudge that big is me. I didn’t though Gabby, I swear.”

“Wyatt, I know you didn’t have anything to do with this. I was downtown, it was probably some of the boys from the neighborhood who knew I had money,” she suggested. “I really don’t want to talk about it anymore.”

“Promise me this had nothing to do with the money,” he said, worried now that she’d taken the money to keep something like this from happening to her. It made him want to protect her and that infuriated him because he didn’t want to feel sorry for her, to grow more attracted to her than he already was.

“I swear Wyatt, the only person who knows where that money is, is me. Just stop asking about it okay? It’s gone.”

“I don’t believe you Gabby, none of this makes sense…what are you into that would take that much money to get out of?” he questioned.

“Nothing, I was bored Wyatt, but unless you want the police nosing around in that part of our relationship I suggest you shut up and take me home.”

“Fine…but this conversation isn’t over,” he promised her.

“It never is,” she sighed wishing she could tell him. Then again, after what had happened today she knew she couldn’t, but she did have a brand new idea, one born now of revenge against the jerk who’d hurt Haley and Jessica, and now, her.


“The doctor said to take them Gabby,” Wyatt told her two mornings later standing over her in the bedroom.

“I don’t care, they make me feel fuzzy,” she stated. “Go to work and stop hovering…god, between you and my mother I swear I’m about to slit my wrists.”

“That’s not funny Gabrielle,” her mom said coming into the room with a breakfast tray.

“I’m not an invalid, I can come down to the table to eat like a normal human being,” she cried as her mother put the tray on Wyatt’s side of the huge California King sized bed. Hermom grabbed a few extra pillows, propped them behind her then eased her back against them, and put the tray over her legs.

“The doctor said to stay in bed to regain your strength,” her mom chided taking the pill bottle from Wyatt’s outstretched hands.

“Besides every time you attempt to walk the stairs you wince, like you did coming up the front stoop the other night…you were doubled over in pain when I got to you,” Wyatt added.

No, she thought,I was picking up the phone before someone else found it.

She let out a huge sigh knowing she was outnumbered, really outnumbered if you counted Caroline, Isaac, her father, both her sister and sister-in-law and two brothers who all had stopped by the day before and she’d heard her in-laws’ voices already this morning.

Caroline as if on cue appeared in the doorway clucking, though she did usher Wyatt out of the room, insisting he go to work and leave taking care of Gabby to them. She was desperate for a moment alone, a moment where she could call Haley and let her know what was going on, and check to see when Jess’ next surgery was scheduled; she didn’t know that moment would come courtesy of her in-laws informing her mom and sister about the miscarriage.

“Gabrielle, why didn’t you tell us?” her mom cried and Caroline covered her face with regret.

“I’m so sorry; I didn’t know you hadn’t told her.”

“It’s alright Caroline,” she said. “I didn’t think it would do any good to tell you Mom. There was nothing you could do to help me then.”

“Why do you insist on doing everything alone Gabs?” Viola asked. “Ever since you were sixteen, it’s like you pulled yourself away from the rest of us, why?”

“I don’t know…I guess I finally realized that I was never going to be like any of you,” Gabby told them honestly. “You, Sam, and Nate are all brilliant at sports, you’re outgoing, and I was the bookworm. I was never going to go down the same path you all had, so I guess I didn’t want anyone trying to judge my decisions.”

“Well baby sis,” Viola laughed, “you were wrong. For once in your brilliant life, you were wrong. Do you know how many times we wanted to be able to pull out an A without studying?”

“No,” Gabby laughed. She tried to mask the light reaction of pain that crossed her face but it was too late and her mother insisted she take another pill and get some sleep as she ushered the others out of the room. She got up and tiptoed across the room, never happier for carpeted floors in her life, and reached her dresser. She dug out the phone and checked it, finding fifteen missed calls from Haley. She dialed the number and waited.

Haley answered on the third ring and she could hear the panic in her voice. “Gabby, what the hell’s going on?” she demanded. “I got an alert that you were in the paper…mugged? Gabby, please tell me Wyatt didn’t…”

“It wasn’t him, in fact ever since he’s been—odd. I don’t know how to describe it. Anyway, I wasn’t mugged. I tossed the purse and wallet; there should be a package for you in a couple days with what I had in my purse.”
