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“Gabby?” he warned.

“I’m tired Wyatt, I think I’m going to go to bed,” she stated walking away. She stopped at the edge of the hallway listening as he pulled out his cell and called Morris.

“Recheck what she did,” he told the other man. “Look for anything that might point towards any of our competitors getting an influx of cash…it seems that my wife has decided to torment me more than she was when she wouldn’t say a word.”

“Boss, you don’t sound too good,” Morris said pulling the information up and checking into the others’ accounts.

“How would you be feeling if your wife just practically admitted that she wanted to destroy you but won’t say why?”

“Not so hot…uh boss,” he replied as the Graves’ financials showed him a back trace to a dummy account that led to another until it led to Gabby and the company.

“What Morris?”

“You’re not going to like it,” he said tracing through them until he found the initial ‘donation’. “I started with Graves’ finances and they led me straight back to Gabby…there was an anonymous donation of one point two million made to Graves for his expansion project.”

“Do they know where it came from?” Wyatt inquired slamming his hand down onto the table.

“Doesn’t look like it, their notes say it came from an anonymous donor, and there was an effort to figure out where it came from but they didn’t have any luck. Looks like we now know where a portion of it went…should I continue to check the other competitors?”

“No, Graves was the only one who expanded, anyone else receiving that large of a donation would have refused to accept itunless they knew who it came from…Graves is the only bastard that would have ran with it,” Wyatt sighed.

“What are you going to do about it boss?”

“Take him down piece by piece,” Wyatt told him. “If he thinks he’s going to become number one using my money he’s crazy.”

“How do you want to do it boss?” Morris asked with a grin.

“Slowly,” he answered. “Pick him apart until there’s nothing left and then deliver the final blow…”

“And what about Gabby?”

“Leave Gabby to me, it’s about time I figured out why she hates me so much.”

“Good luck on that one boss, women never tell the truth.”

“There are certain ways of getting them to talk,” Wyatt laughed. “You do your part, and I’ll do mine.”

That’s what you think, Gabby thought to herself.What you don’t know is exactly how well you idiots just fell into my lap. Donald will be destroyed and then Haley and Jess can come home. Now all I have to do is keep him from finding out that Haley took the money.

She headed for the bathroom taking her time to wash her face, brush her teeth and comb her hair before heading back into the bedroom. When she entered it, Wyatt was waiting for her, his stare telling her exactly what she already knew. “What Wyatt?”


“What about graves?” she asked. “Planning on putting me in one?”

“You know that’s not the Graves I’m talking about Gabby. You made a donation to Donald Graves’ company for over a million dollars…why?”

“Because you were an ass Wyatt.”

“I was an ass?” he yelled. “How was I an ass?”

“From the first day we met in the hallway you did nothing but follow me with your eyes…it was disgusting.”

“And for that, forthat, you decided to abscond with millions of dollars from my company? Have you ever heard of finding a new job or I don’t know confronting me about it?”

“I like taking matters into my own hands Wyatt, something you should bear-in-mind the next time you try and force my hand. Don’t forget, I can still find ways into your accounts…I’m that good,” she tossed over her shoulder pulling the covers back and getting into the bed.

“You’re a bitch Gabby,” he said stalking to the door.
