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“There’s always the morning after pill,” she reminded him as he increased his tempo nearly driving coherent thoughts from her mind.

“You’re going to need a permanent supply then,” he said covering her mouth to end further discussion.

A part of her wanted to hold back, wanted to not give in completely, but his skills were magical, and she didn’t have an entire day of resentment built up behind her.

Wyatt knew she was holding back, and he didn’t want her to. He wanted her to fall over the edge with him. He moved his mouth from hers and kissed his way to her ear whispering to her what he wanted her to do and felt her surprise.

She couldn’t fight his manipulation on her body and of her senses, he whispered to her again to come for him and despite her attempts to stop herself she fell right into his demand. His release was swift once she had begun and she felt him collapse on top of her. He rained light kisses over her face as he rolled over, refusing to let her go as his hands continued to coax responses from her.

His movements lulled her into sleep and when she awoke hours later, it was to find her bottom pressed firmly against his demanding erection and his hands teasing her breasts and gently rubbing her curls. She could tell he didn’t realize she was awake and let him play with her until she was ready. She moved against him sighing as though asleep still and then rubbed against him until he was inside her.

He stilled and softly whispered a curse against her hair as he groaned in pleasure. She felt him try to ease away from her but she followed him, lifting her leg slightly for him to move deeper within her. His hand moved to the thigh that was on top attempting to move her off him as his body urged him to enjoy himself in her. On an impulse, he left his fingers slide up until they were once again rubbing against her and as she sighed again, he moved against her, letting out a low groan of pleasure at the feeling of her silkiness and heat surrounding him, pulling him deeper inside her.

“Just how far were you going to take this?” she asked softly, laughing when he jerked away and attempted to remove himself from her.

“Shit,” he said glad she wasn’t facing him to see the contempt he felt for being weak when it came to her body, and her.

She snuggled back against him, guiding him back inside her, and moved lightly against him.

“Gabby,” he said trying to still her hips with his hands, “I’m sorry…”

“For what?” she teased. “For not waking me while you enjoyed my body or not realizing that I was awake for most of it?”

“Wait, what?”

Gabby turned her head slightly to look over her shoulder at him as she reached for his hand. “When I woke up, this hand was here,” she told him moving it back down to her curls andrubbed his finger against her. “This hand was here,” she added moving it to her breast, “and your other friend here was patiently waiting for some attention.”

“You were awake then?” he inquired letting his hands press more firmly against her now.

“Um hmm,” she sighed. “You really need to be more observant of reactions Wyatt…I could have had you coming for me and you would have been really cursing yourself because you’d never have known I was awake.”

“You’re a horrible person Gabby, making me want you and then purposely driving me crazy by pretending to be asleep. Maybe I shouldn’t let you enjoy my body anymore.”

“Now who would be more desperate within a week Wyatt?” she inquired lifting her hips away from him. He didn’t have to reply they both knew the answer, and he drove the point home as he did.

“Don’t move,” he told her a few minutes later as he felt the beginning of a release coming on.

“Make me,” she laughed doing just that.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you Gabs,” he said letting go of his control and losing himself in her. His release came and when he tried to move, she refused to let him, as she demanded more from him, and surprising himself, he was suddenly ready and desperate to continue their games.

Chapter 6

Gabby sighed as she sat helping a student with their math homework. Things had settled in a way, she and Wyatt…they were certainly connected in the bedroom but outside it, they were still as much at odds today as they had been three months ago when she’d accepted his ultimatum of either giving his money back or sleeping with him. She smiled at the little girl sitting beside her. She was so smart but too shy to show it.

All of the kids here had stolen her heart and each time she heard their stories she wished she could do more to help than she was. She knew what these families were going through, the pain that affected them all. It was hard for her to come here and not think of Haley and Jessica and after hearing about their newest arrivals, she wanted to run to them and hug them like crazy.

She was confused by so many things but not about needing to help these women and kids. If she had ever thought about embezzling now would be the time to do it. The idea of making a larger than normal donation from Wyatt’s accounts was pulling at her more and more and she knew coming here every other day was doing more harm to her psyche than good right now.

Wyatt was picking her up in twenty minutes for a dinner at his parents, a dinner she wasn’t looking forward to attending. The past few months they’d been asking slyly if they had any news for them and she hated admitting to them that she didn’t, not that Wyatt hadn’t been trying to make something happen, but she thanked god that it hadn’t.

She loved kids but she didn’t want to have one with Wyatt. He might make a great father someday but not to her child. She knew once or if he learned the truth, he’d be furious with her, though whether it was because of her lying to him or not trusting him with the truth she didn’t know now. As much as she knew he hated her, that wasn’t all he was. She said goodbye to the other volunteers and the kids as she headed to the door.

Right before she walked out the teenage girl, she’d been trying to convince to leave her abusive boyfriend who was the father of her little boy, Cooper, stumbled into the center crying, tears streaming down her cheeks, and she ran straight for her.

“Crystal what’s wrong?” she asked as the girl threw her arms around her and began to sob.

Fifteen minutes later they were sitting in the office, Crystal had calmed down enough to gulp in some much-needed air, until Wyatt walked in. She’d seen his large frame and backed herself into a corner.
