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“Gabby, I’m sorry,” Wyatt said confused about what had just happened.

“It’s okay, Wyatt, why don’t you just wait in the hall,” she suggested, heading over to her. She knelt down next to Crystal and gently pushed the hair off her face and forced her to look at her. “Crystal, it’s okay…that was Wyatt, my husband, he won’t hurt you, sweetie. Believe me, he’s one of the good ones.”

“Not like Tommy,” Crystal cried.

“What did Tommy do? Crystal, where’s Cooper?” she asked.

“In the hospital…Tommy…I got home and Cooper was in his crib but he wouldn’t wake up. I took him in and they’re running all these tests. Tommy showed up and tried to strangle me. The security guards and police took him away, but I knew he’d get right out and come after me again. You were right Gabby, about him, about everything.”

“I didn’t want to be right Crystal. Come on sweetie,” she said taking her hands pulling her up. “We’re going to see your little boy.”

“I can’t,” Crystal cried. “I left him with that monster and now he’s…”

“He’s not,” Gabby told her. “Don’t assume the worst.”

Somehow, they managed to get Crystal into the car and to the hospital just in time to find out that Cooper had a concussion but appeared to be fine. Crystal hugged her tightly and cried some more, happy that her son was okay. The hospital was keeping Cooper overnight and Gabby offered to stay but Crystal was feeling better and had even called her mother. They stayed until she arrived and then they were on the way to his parents’ house.

They were late, extremely late, and she wasn’t feeling her best but her in-laws didn’t care. Wyatt told them where they’d been and everyone had questions. By the time they got home, she was exhausted and her emotions were teetering.

“Are you okay?” Wyatt asked pulling her back against him in a hug.

“I’m fine,” she assured him.

“You were great with her,” he said kissing her hair. “I didn’t realize you were working so closely with the kids.”

“Wyatt, can we not talk about this right now? I’m exhausted. There were so many kids at the center today and then dealing with Crystal…all I want is to go to bed.”

“Is that an ‘I’ve got a headache’ go to bed or an ‘I just don’t want to talk’ go to bed?” he asked.

“Wyatt, will you please just shut up and hold me?” she said as a tear slipped down her cheek.

“Ah baby,” he sighed kissing her tears away, his gentleness making them thicken. He gently undressed her and carried her to bed pulling back the covers, laying her down before divesting himself of his own clothes and sliding in beside her, holding her tightly against him.

For the longest time he just held her as she cried, not asking any questions but simply holding her next to him. She turned towards him laying her head on his chest as his hands soothed down her back. During that time as she rested her head against him she felt something inside her change, her heart stopped for a moment as she put a name to what she was feeling…love. She was in love with Wyatt.

She paused letting her hand still in its exploration of his chest. How the hell had she let herself fall for him? She knew better than anyone else that falling for him was the dumbest thing she could ever do. He would despise her once he knew the truth and she’d be left with no job, no money, and no hope of having her heart left in one piece.

“What’s wrong?” he asked noticing her sudden stillness.

“Nothing,” she told him, “I just realized that there’s no reason for me to be so emotional, and there’s no reason for me not to do this.”

“Do what?” he said as she moved up and glanced down over him.

“Kiss you,” she said lightly kissing his mouth. “Touch you,” she added stroking his arm. “And make love to you,” she finished straddling his lap.

“Gabby are you sure?” he asked as she let her hands explore his body.

“Wyatt, after tonight, you holding me while I cried because of what happened to Crystal and her son…you’re not nearly as much of a jerk as I thought you were.”

“Careful there Gabby, you sound like you’re starting to fall for me,” he said as she sank down onto him.

“Like you have for me? Admit it Wyatt,” she said moving against him.

“Only when you tell me where my money is,” he replied groaning when she stopped holding herself still with him inside her.

“Come on now Wyatt, tell me you don’t love me,” she teased stopping.

“Do you really want to start an argument now?”
