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“Let go Wyatt,” she said pushing against his chest.

“I think it’s about time you learn that I won’t be pushed around Gabrielle. You’re not the boss in this relationship. I am,” he stated letting his hands trail down her body.

“You might be able to limit what I can do, how much I can spend, but you cannot control who I sleep with and that includes who Idon’tsleep with.”

“Want to bet? Step out of line once Gabby and our deal is off. Marriage over, freedom, limited as it is, gone, and hello jail…now go change into something sexy and wait for me.”

“Like hell I will,” she said shoving him away and rushing past him into the second bedroom. She tried to close and lock the door but he was faster than her with the added bulk of dress and he pushed the door open behind her.

Wyatt didn’t know what he was doing as he reached for her sliding his hands up her back, jerking the zipper down and pushing at the bodice.

“Stop it, Wyatt.”

“Shut up, Gabby,” he said covering her lips with his and releasing the clasp on her bra freeing her breasts to his assault.

“You don’t want to do this,” she warned him blanking her mind to keep from responding to the skilled seduction. It was good, he was good, but she hated wanting him even a tiny bit.

“Don’t I? Come on Gabby, you’re gorgeous and you’re my wife now. I own you. Your body’s mine now and I’ll do whatever I want with it.”

“Go pay a hooker if you want sex so badly. I’m not sleeping with you.”

“What do you think you are? You’re nothing but a hooker with a marriage certificate. You’re mine, your body is mine, and I’ll use you whenever I want.”

Gabby knew he was serious and she wanted to kill him, wanted to strangle him with her bare hands, but she also knew he could hurt her—and she didn’t mean physically, at least, she hoped not. Refusing to sleep with him had been her only bargaining chip, but if she ran now she knew there was the possibility of him looking into the reason why she really wouldn’t talk.

She tried to figure out a way to get through to him but his manipulations on her body continued and she knew he wasn’t going to stop. She sighed knowing there was no point in fighting and he took it as a sign of acceptance.

“Understand me now do you?” he asked with a laugh.

“I hope you enjoy sleeping with a piece of board,” she returned as the fight in her head continued.

“That sounds like a challenge Gabby and you know how much I like challenges.”

“It’s the truth,” she replied.

“We’ll see about that,” he said with a laugh that infuriated her enough to put the walls firmly in place around his manipulations. He scooped her up and carried her across the suite to the master bedroom setting her down to remove her dress before discarding his own clothes and pushing her down onto the bed, covering her with his body.


Gabby woke the next morning wrapped in a sheet. Wyatt was sleeping beside her his nakedness reminding her of what had happened the night before. She slipped out of bed still wrapped in the sheet and headed to the bathroom.

She let the water cascade over her as the tears fell from her eyes. God she hated that man. She wished she’d never met him and that the stupid things had never happened to force her into marriage with him. She grabbed the loofah and lathered her body with soap trying to wash away the reminders of it. She was beginning to lather the second time when the door opened and Wyatt entered the shower with her.

He took the loofah from her hands as he backed her up against the wall and stared at her. “Let me.”

“Don’t touch me,” she said turning away.

“Gabby, I’m sorry,” he said. “I was an ass last night…good lord, did I do that?”

“What?” she asked looking down where he touched her. Two large hand shaped bruises were on either side of her hips and she turned her head away. “I bruise easily.”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…you’re…here,” he added handing her the loofah back. “I won’t touch you again.”

She turned her face away from him as he left the shower and headed through the bedroom to the living area. He grabbed the bottle of bourbon his friends had given him before the wedding, poured a glass and downed it before pouring anotherand downing it. What the hell had happened to him last night? He wanted to punish her for stealing and nearly ruining his company. The only way to repair the damage and the only way to get his pride back had been to demand she marry him. It would allow him to gain access to the money from his grandfather’s will, money he’d never planned on taking, but he had to replace the funds she’d taken.

Yes, he’d been angry but he’d also wanted her, he had since the day she’d started at the company. When he discovered the missing funds, he’d never thought they’d lead to Gabby but they had. Now he was married to her…to punish her, only so far he’d managed to punish himself more, though it seemed he’d punished her plenty if the look in her eyes this morning was anything to go by. His phone rang and he grabbed it up listening to the sounds of the water raining down in the bathroom.

“What?” he barked into it.
