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“Tell me you don’t love me, that you haven’t wanted me since the day we met,” she stated as she began to move again, pulling him towards the edge. “Tell me you weren’t excited when you found out I was the one who stole the money, that some part of you wasn’t anticipating the day you’d finally get me to tell you everything. How I’d done it. Why I’d done it. And how you would take advantage of the situation until I couldn’t stand it anymore and finally spilled.”

“I’m going to spill something,” he told her trying to still her hips.

“Not until you tell me Wyatt.”

“Fine, you want me to say it? You want me to tell you that I wanted to be inside you from the day we met? That when we were in meetings I’d picture a very different ending to them, one with you spread out on top of my desk? I can’t stop wanting you no matter how many times I’ve had you, is that what you want me to say?” he inquired.

“That’ll do for a start,” she laughed feeling the first stirrings of a climax overtake her. “Take me there Wyatt.”

“I thought this was your ride.”

“Then come with me,” she urged him as her body tightened she around him. He thrusted again and she couldn’t stay up as she began to fly so he grabbed her hips to keep her going. Together they both collapsed, spent, and refusing to acknowledge their true feelings.


“What’s wrong Gabby?” Haley asked her a couple weeks later.

“Nothing Haley,” she answered.


“Hales,” she returned letting out a sigh before walking out onto the balcony. Spring was shining brightly all around her but inside she still felt like it was the middle of winter.

“Come on little sis, what’s going on?”

“Nothing, really, I guess I just miss you and Jess. I can’t believe I missed her birthday. It’s the first one since she was born that I’ve missed.”

“She missed you too, but she understands that we can’t be together right now.”

“I know it’s just that the last few weeks have been strange.”

“Strange how, Gabby?” Haley asked concerned.

“I pushed too hard. I tried to get Wyatt to say he loved me, hoping that he’d let me go,” she added falsely.

“Are you sad he didn’t because you wanted to find a way out or because you wanted an excuse to tell him the truth? Gabby, maybe it’s time we did…”

“No, I know you said Jess is doing well but you still haven’t gotten the final bill from her last surgery and I know they cost more than you anticipated, let alone the follow up appointments. Ignore me Hales…I guess I just thought that by the time spring got here I’d be happy, that we’d all be happy.”

“No ‘Shakespeare in the Park’ this spring huh?” Haley said sadly.

“Or picnics in the park, cheering Jess on in soccer games, or cookouts with boys,” Gabby added.

“Okay, that’s enough or else we’re both going to be crying,” Haley laughed. “God I miss you Gabs.”

“I miss you too Hales. This is officially the longest we’ve gone without seeing each other in person, add that with the fact that Wyatt’s out of town for a few days and I’m feeling a bit lonely.”

“I thought Wyatt wanted you to go on all his trips with him?”

“He did, but I had a commitment at the center plus he was planning a coup for Donald’s company this week. Who knows maybe by the end of the day it’ll be done.”

“Remind me to never get on your bad side Gabby,” Haley laughed. “I can’t believe you’ve gotten Wyatt to go after Donald, let alone nearly destroy him.”

“What can I say?” Gabby said with a grin. “No one hurts the people I love and gets away with it and they sure as hell don’t kidnap me, beat the hell out of me, and get away with it.”

“Gabby?” she heard Wyatt call out from inside the house and she nearly dropped her phone.

“Crap Wyatt’s home…I’ve got to go,” she whispered hanging up and shoving the phone into her pocket. She laid down on the lounger covering herself with the blanket she’d used earlier that morning as she laid out enjoying the cool crisp morning. She slowed her breathing glad their bedroom didn’t face the front of the house and waited for him to come up to her.
