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“What is it for then?” Wyatt asked.

“It’s a savings account, you’d have to ask Gabby what for, but I’d say it was supposed to be a supplemental to retirement. She adds at least twenty-four hundred a year to it; thirty plus years of that kind of additions and she’d be sitting pretty, especially combined with her other portfolio.”

“What portfolio?” Wyatt inquired.

“Her investment portfolio,” Morris stated. “You didn’t know about it?”

“No, I didn’t. What does it look like?”

“Up until right before you caught her it was growing steadily. Nearly a million in it, then she cashed it all out.”

“Where did it go?”

“Vanished, much like the money she took from you, what’s that look for boss?” Morris asked as Wyatt got up and began to pace around the room.

“It doesn’t make sense. If she had almost a million in her investment portfolio, why would she risk taking so much from the company and where did the money from her cash out go?” he said mostly thinking out loud. “Check her parent’s accounts for me, her brothers and her sister too. Gabby took that money for something, and I want to know what it was and where it went or is.”

“You don’t think she could have an expensive side habit do you?” Morris inquired.

“I live with the woman, she’s not into drugs, she doesn’t gamble, and she isn’t spending it on clothes. Despite her threats to max out my credit cards she hardly spends a thousand a month on things for herself, well other than the clothes. Why a woman needs a two-thousand-dollar pair of shoes is beyond me. Hell she spends more time at the center than anything.”

“Could someone be blackmailing her? It could explain why she took the money and her mugging…”

“Who would blackmail Gabby and with what? You’ve checked out her background has there been anything in there that remotely stood out as blackmail potential?”

“No, but she did work for Graves. Maybe they were in it together, she steals your money to give to him and his floundering business?”

“Then he would have been aware of our undercutting him. Gabby knows I’m destroying his company piece by piece…if he were somehow holding something over her or if they were together, a repulsive thought there, she would have contacted him somehow. He’s still in the dark about it all, when he gets notice next week that he didn’t get the Cunningham contract it’ll be all over.”

“Boss, don’t get mad but it sounds like you’re making excuses for Gabby, you wouldn’t be falling for her would you?”

“I’m not falling for Gabby,” he stated. It’s too late for that, he added silently to himself.

“Alright, I’ll check the accounts of anyone close to her,” Morris agreed. “Anything else?”

“As always, find my money,” Wyatt told him walking out. He had a few bones to pick with his wife and this time he wouldn’t let her seduce him away from his goal.

Chapter 7

Gabby was glad for the phone call that came through twenty minutes after Wyatt had left, well glad certainly wasn’t the right word, relieved that she wouldn’t have to face him that night would be more appropriate. But that relief was mitigated by the fact that her dad was in the hospital, and she dialed Wyatt’s number as she drove to meet her mom there.

His phone kept going to voicemail, meaning he was either on it or had turned it off to talk with Morris. Finally, frustration took over and she decided that if he couldn’t be bothered to check and see he had at least fifteen missed calls from her she wasn’t going to leave him a message after all she didn’t know he was home.

She found her mom sitting in the waiting area of the ER, clutching a paper cup and holding her dad’s dinner jacket.

“Mom, hey it’s okay,” she said praying it would be. “I’m here…”

“Gabby, what am I going to do if something happens to him?”

“Nothing’s going to happen to Dad. You’ll see, he’s going to outlive all of us,” Gabby told her with a smile. They sat there waiting for answers for over an hour and she continuously redialed Wyatt’s number as well as those of her brothers andsister. Finally, the three of them showed up at the same time but Wyatt was still not answering.

“Where’s Wyatt?” Viola asked.

“No clue,” she admitted letting her frustration and annoyance at him ignoring her out.

“Uh oh, trouble in paradise?” Nate joked.

“Have you tried him at work?” Sam suggested as she redialed his cell again.
