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“He was out of town…I thought I saw his suitcase in the closet but maybe his plane was delayed,” she fibbed.

“That’s easy enough to check Sis,” Nate told her. “What was the flight number?”

She told him knowing that it’d say it came in on time and when he relayed that to her she shrugged.

“I thought you were at home when I called,” her mom said.

“I was, look its fine. His phone’s probably off…”

“How did his suitcase get home while you were home but yet you don’t know where he is?” Viola asked.

“I took a nap this afternoon,” she lied.

“Must be nice to be able to lounge around all damned day,” Sam said. “Some of us still have to work to afford food.”

“Oh my god, really? Dad’s lying in the ER, my husband won’t answer his damned phone and you all are ganging up on me about not working? I’m so sorry that I married someone with money who doesn’t want me to work so I spend my time down at the Spencer Center volunteering…if that upsets you so much then don’t bother talking to me anymore,” she stated harshly.

“Gabby we weren’t ganging up on you,” Nate said.

“No? I saw all of your faces when I said I took a nap this afternoon, they were full of disgust. Well guess what? I spent all night here with a teenager whose father beat her mom unconscious so I’m sorry if I was tired and decided to take a napin order to be awake for dinner with my husband who’s been out of town for almost a week.”

She saw the shock on their faces and felt ashamed for her outburst but right now wasn’t the time to tell them the truth, any of it, but especially not that the man lying behind the ER doors wasn’t her real father. She walked away hitting the redial for Wyatt’s number again and nearly threw the phone across the hall in anger when he didn’t answer yet again.

She tried the house phone but it was still off, her fault for not remembering to turn it back on after she woke up earlier. Her head hurt from the combination of worry, guilt, frustration, and heartache that was coursing through her and she rubbed her temple as she dialed Wyatt yet again.

“Gabby?” she heard someone say as she closed her eyes when it went to his voicemail again.

She turned and a slight smile crossed her face, “Dr. Jameson.”

“Aaron, please. How’s Iris? Is everything alright?” he added noting her tense grip on the phone and her hand to her temple.

“Iris is with her grandmother right now,” she said bypassing his question. “Thank you for being so patient with her last night.”

“It’s my job,” he stated. “Are you here to see them? They were moved upstairs earlier today.”

“No…my father was brought into the ER a bit ago. The paramedics thought it was a possible heart attack.”

“I’m sorry Gabby, you seem to be living here lately,” he said reaching out to squeeze her hand.

“Thanks,” she said with a hint of a sigh.

“Have they told you anything?” he asked.

“No, I’ve been here over an hour, and Mom even longer, but no one has given us any information.”

“What’s your dad’s name?”

“Owen Simmons,” she told him.

“I thought your last name was Isaacs,” he said pausing in his retreat to inquire about her father.

“Mine is…I’m married, at least I was…if my stupid husband doesn’t answer his phone I might just change that.” She laughed making it sound like a joke, but it wasn’t too far from what she was feeling.

“I see,” Aaron said vaguely. “Let me go see what I can find out about your dad.”

“Thanks Dr.…Aaron,” she stated sending him a grateful smile.

She dialed Wyatt again, getting his voicemail yet again but despite still feeling the annoyance at him, she decided to leave a message. “I don’t know where you are or what you’re doing but if you would have bothered to check your phone you’d find out that I’ve tried calling you upwards of thirty times in the past hour and a half…if you’re wondering why it’s because my father’s in the ER. I don’t care what you’re plotting but unless you want the gossip columnists finding out that while I sat in the waiting room praying that my dad was going to be okay you were nowhere to be found get your ass over here…and bring my migraine medication while you’re at it. It’s the little prescription bottle in the bathroom with my name on it if you weren’t aware of that.”
