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“A small heart attack, they’ve ran tests and there’s no blockage, his EKG is showing fine but they’ll want to rerun the results in a few hours. Right now they’re getting ready to move him to a room and then the cardiologist will give you some more details,” Aaron said.

“He’s going to be okay?” Viola asked tearing up.

“It looks good, he’s strong and healthy, but you should ask our cardiologist, hearts aren’t my specialty,” he stated as a look crossed his face.

“Thank you,” her mom said leaning her head against Sam’s shoulder.

“It was no problem, Mrs. Simmons,” he assured her.

“Maggie, please,” their mother said shaking his hand.

Aaron nodded and began to move off but Gabby knew despite it not really being her fault he was upset with her. She walked after him putting her hand on his arm to stop him. He turned back towards her and she gave him a slight smile.

“Thank you really,” she told him then paused trying to figure out what to say. “I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.”

“Gabby, its fine, it won’t be the first time I’ve read the situation incorrectly,” he said. “I guess I’m just surprised; most men wouldn’t let someone like you down…are you okay? I mean really.”

“Just a headache, worrying about Dad on top of last night and not being able to get hold of Wyatt…”

“It’s more than just a headache, isn’t it? Migraines?”

“Yeah, they use to be a real bitch, sorry my mother would wash my mouth out if she’d heard that, I usually don’t have them anymore which is why I don’t carry my prescription around but today hasn’t been a typical day,” she sighed.

“When was the last time you had one?” he asked.

“After I was mugged…long story,” she said when he looked surprised.

“Wait, your husband is Wyatt…Isaacs, as in Miten Industries, which makes you Gabrielle Isaacs…”

“Guilty,” she said with a light laugh that sent stars through her vision.

“Okay,” he said reaching out to steady her, “that’s my cue to go into full doctor mode and get you something for your head before you pass out on the ER waiting room floor.”

He put a hand on her back to guide her to a room and she argued, “I should really go with my family…”

Aaron turned to look at them then turned back to her, “They’ll be fine. The nurse is giving them directions upstairs; they won’t miss you for a few minutes.”

She wanted to argue some more but as she took a deep breath in her head swam further and she gave up any pretense of not being in pain.

“That’s what I thought,” he said taking a step forward stopping when she didn’t move with him. He nearly missed her sway as a blackness descended on her and she thought for a moment before it engulfed her that she heard Wyatt shout her name.

She came to and found herself staring up at several anxious faces, including her mom, sister, Aaron, and Wyatt.

“There you are,” Wyatt said gripping her hand tightly.

“What happened?” she said trying to sit up, the pounding in her head sent her backwards and she closed her eyes trying to block the light out.

“You blacked out,” Viola stated. “It was pretty interesting actually. Wyatt had just walked in seeing Dr. Aaron’s arm around you then you fainted, and he picked you up. I don’t know which would have won out Wyatt’s concern for you or his desire to beat the nice doctor to a pulp if Mom hadn’t come rushing over.”

“Ugh,” she groaned but even that hurt her head. “Did you bring my medication?” she whispered though it felt like a shout.

“I don’t think that’ll do you much good right now Gabby,” Aaron said. “Something a bit stronger is going to be necessary if your reactions to the light and sound are anything to go by.”

“Gabrielle why didn’t you say something sooner?” her mom chided.

“I didn’t want to bother you, Mom; you were worried about Dad. Look I’m in good hands, Wyatt’s finally here, why don’t you and Viola go check on Dad? I have a feeling sleep is the only thing that I’ll be doing.”

Her mom looked torn, but she understood and nodded, “Stop worrying about everyone else Gabby. You need to look after yourself.”
