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“Tell Dad I love him,” she said as her mom shooed her sister out.

“I will, take care of my girl Wyatt,” she ordered.

“Gabby, I’m sorry,” Wyatt stated staring down into her pain filled eyes. “I didn’t realize my phone died. I started getting worried about you after I saw the half-cooked dinner and went to call you and found your message.”

“I don’t mean to butt in,” Aaron said, “but I think we should get Gabby something for her head. What medication are you on?”

Wyatt withdrew the bottle and he checked it over scribbling something down onto a chart.

“Okay, before I order this is there any chance you’re pregnant?” Aaron inquired.

Gabby heard him but wasn’t sure how to answer.

“Gabby?” Wyatt said thinking she’d blacked out again.

“I don’t know,” she admitted as Aaron lowered the light in the room.

“What does that mean baby?” Wyatt asked shocked.

“It means that I’m a bit late but that’s not unusual,” she said quietly.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” he demanded and she heard the slightest bit of hope in his voice.

“You’ve been gone for the last week and I didn’t know anything. Can we please not talk about this right now?” she asked as a wave of dizziness overtook her.

“Sorry baby,” he said kissing her forehead lightly.

“Let me do a quick blood draw and we’ll make sure before proceeding,” Aaron told them.

“Can’t you give her something now?” Wyatt questioned.

“Based on her prescribed medication and allergies, we need to know if she’s expecting before I can prescribe anything else. It’ll be quick I promise,” Aaron stated.

He left the room and returned with a nurse who found a vein and slipped the needle in without her feeling a thing, but that could have been due to her pounding head and the waves of altering dizziness and nausea that racked her. Wyatt stayed next to her until Aaron returned with the results. Well hell, she thought seeing his expression.

He took a seat on the other side of the bed and gave them both a short smile, “Well, it looks like you are pregnant Gabby.”

“Alright, so now what,” Wyatt asked.

“I spoke with your regular doctor and with your past history with drug allergies to other medications we both feel Demerol is your best option right now,” Aaron stated. “Usually I don’t like prescribing it for pregnant women, there isn’t enough research regarding its safety, especially this early in the first trimester.”

“In other words you’re not sure if it will or won’t hurt the…baby,” she said still trying to wrap her mind around the idea of being a mother.

“Yes. Why don’t I give you two a few minutes to discuss it?” Aaron suggested.

“There’s no need for discussion, my wife’s in pain so just give her the medicine,” Wyatt stated.

“Wyatt,” she said bringing him back to her.

“Gabby, come on honey, you said it they don’t know if it’ll have any effects and if there are then we’ll deal with them. Right now I need you better,” he said gently to her. “I can’t face your family until you’re smiling and well. Your dad just might pull out his shotgun on me for making you worry about me while you were worrying about him.”

She felt a small laugh come up and the accompanying pain and agreed.

“She’ll probably fall asleep after this,” Aaron told him as he injected the medicine. “Let me know if you need anything or if it doesn’t work.”

“Thanks Doc,” Wyatt said shaking his hand. “Sorry about the commotion when I got here. I’m not used to seeing someone else with their arms around my wife.”

“With a wife like Gabby I can understand that,” Aaron admitted. “I’ll let the nurses know not to disturb you two unless necessary.”
