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“I take it you told him you’d come after me?” Gabby asked with a smile.

“Of course, there are some times when a girl needs her mother, even if they are a grown woman and wife,” Maggie told her.

They stopped and picked up cups of tea from the coffee shop across from the hospital before heading towards the park. Maggie let them walk in peace until they reached the park. She guided Gabby towards a bench sitting her down so she could unload.

“What’s going on in your head Gabby? You’ve always kept things bottled up, but I know this can’t be just about your sister’s comments,” she held up her hands to stop Gabby from denying it. “I cannot believe what she said to you, or your husband, but Wyatt stood up for you nicely.”

“Great,” Gabby sighed. “Mom, I’m fine…I guess the migraine’s still there and detracting from my usual witty and gracious nature.”

“And if I were anyone but your mother I’d buy that, but there are some things a mother just knows.”

“Alright, I shouldn’t say anything but…” Gabby paused.

“But what honey?” Maggie asked leading her.

“It’s so early, but I’m…I’m pregnant and I guess I’m confused and worried and thinking it’s not the right time and I don’t know…what?” Gabby stopped at the complete lack of emotion on her mom’s face.

“I know,” Maggie said without any surprise.

“How did you know?” Gabby asked. “I didn’t know for sure until last night.”

“Don’t be angry with him…”

“Wyatt told you? I told him we shouldn’t and he agreed not to say anything!”

“He didn’t mean to but your sister started in after you left and in his anger he let it slip, and he told us you were worried about taking the medication last night because they’re not sure if it’ll have any effects on the baby,” Maggie explained.

“I am but that’s not it Mom. I’m not ready to be a mother and…” She stopped aware she was about to tell her mom that Wyatt didn’t love her.

“You’re scared that something will happen, aren’t you?”

“Yeah,” Gabby admitted, though she’d never been through the horribleness of a miscarriage and she knew she was going to rot in hell for the lie.

“It’s okay honey, after I had Viola we decided to have another. She was two when I got pregnant, but I lost the baby when I was almost four months along. I understand sweetie. It’s okay to be scared, everyone is, it’s natural. When I found out I was expecting you I prayed every day for you to be okay, and then there you were, my beautiful baby girl, I took one look at you and my world was complete. Your dad held you and he told me we’d created perfection four times over,” Maggie laughed.

“That’s sweet,” Gabby said knowing it couldn’t possibly be true, unless her dad hadn’t known then, perhaps didn’t know now still.

“You’ll be fine honey, I’m just a phone call away Gabby.”

“How can you always make me feel better?”

“That’s what moms do they make it all better for their babies, which means that now I should go check on your sister. I just don’t get her lately; ever since you and Wyatt got married she’s been in a snit of some sort.”

“I love you Mom,” Gabby said hugging her. “Tell Dad I’m sorry for running out. I’ll stop by later once I’ve had the chance to change and…”

“You’ll do no such thing. You are to go home, get into bed and rest,” her mother ordered. “I know, ‘but Mom I’m not sick’, right? Just do it for me. I don’t want you coming down with another migraine, besides I think your husband is going to want to hold you since he has been gone for a week, and you did just find out some fantastic news,” she added with a warm smile.

“Alright,” she said laughing, “I’ll go home and go to bed. It doesn’t sound half-bad. Shoot, my car’s at the hospital and I don’t think I should drive yet. Demerol seems to linger with me…can you tell Wyatt to come and pick me up? I think I’m going to enjoy the fresh air a bit more.”

“Of course, you have your phone and it’s charged I hope?”

“Fully, I have an extra charger in my car at all times, looks like I’m going to have to insist on Wyatt getting one for his briefcase. I’ll see you tomorrow, wait, we were supposed to have dinner tomorrow at your place, weren’t we?”

“We were,” Maggie said with a sigh. “The doctor thinks your father should be able to go home tomorrow but he wants him in his office on Tuesday for a full workup.”

“If you want to cancel that’s fine but if not…why don’t I come over early and cook while you take care of Dad?”

“You’re going to cook for us? No catering this time?” her mom teased.
