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“That was a once off,” Gabby argued. “I’m a fantastic cook if you don’t remember.”

“The best,” she agreed. “I think I’ll take you up on your offer, even if your brothers and sister don’t want to come after being stuck here all weekend I want to make sure you take care of yourself, and my grandbaby.”

“Mom, please don’t okay? It’sreallyearly, like five weeks early…”

“Never too early to fall in love, oh Gabby I’m sorry,” she said in a rush as Gabby closed her eyes to ward off the tears that threatened at the mention of love. “Honey, I get that you don’t want to risk your heart letting yourself love this baby but you’ll see that it’s going to be fine. You will love this baby even if it’s not the right time for all of you. I promise you, you’ll love this baby entirely,” she added giving her another hug seeing the sparkle of tears in her eyes. “Okay I’m going before I send you straight into a box of Kleenexes.”

“Bye Mom,” Gabby said waving her off. She waited until she’d turned the corner before pulling out her phone and calling Haley. She knew her mom meant well but right now, she needed to talk some things through with the sister that loved her.

“Gabby? What’s going on?” Haley asked answering.

“How’d you know something was wrong?” Gabby questioned her.

“You never call on the weekend, Wyatt’s always around, so what’s up? Are you okay?”

“Not exactly…in the past oh I don’t know thirty-six to forty hours or so I’ve spent the night at the hospital with Iris and her mom, found out that my brilliant cover-up may not be so brilliant after all, and been back to the hospital when my dad had a small heart attack. He’s okay, but then I was admittedwhen the headache I’d had since Tuesday turned into a full blown migraine thanks to Viola and Wyatt…don’t ask on those accounts, and then to top it all off, before they would give me anything for the pain they had to check for something and guess what Sis? I’m pregnant.”

“What!?” Haley shouted into the phone forcing her to pull it away from her ear.

“I’m pregnant…and terrified because I’m falling for him. God Hales, I’m in love with Wyatt and I’m having his baby, and despite his obvious desires for me, he doesn’t feel the same, in fact, he pretty much still hates my guts. What am I going to do? Oh and as icing on this crazy, nutty, cream filled cake, Mom, Dad, Sam, Nate and Viola all know I’m pregnant thanks to my blabber mouth husband.”

“Ah Gabby, you have to tell him the truth. Actually I should tell him the truth,” she replied. “I’m coming home.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Gabby said as a prickling feeling washed over her. “Dogs only need a little discipline. I say; help early reward early.”

“Gabby, what’s going on?” Haley asked as she began their secret code.

“Just stay where you are,” Gabby whispered. “I’ve got a blast from the past closing in, love you.”

“Gabby, don’t hang up…” Haley said as her comments finally made sense but she did exchanging the phones as Donald Graves approached her.

“Well, well, well,” Donald stated as he stopped in front of her. “If it isn’t my favorite girl…where’s your friend and my daughter Gabrielle?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Donald. You asked me that how many times the day you bashed my head against my car?”

“Funny that you didn’t report it that way,” he replied. “I did wonder why, and then it came to me. Your husband doesn’t know does he? But I’m sure he’d love to. It’d make a great headline, wife of Miten Industries CEO, helps hide daughter of Graves Corporate CEO Donald Graves. Your stock would tank Gabrielle, so unless you want your husband’s company to go down the drain and lose your meal ticket, I suggest you hand over what’s mine.”

“Jessica doesn’t belong to you, you sick son of a bitch. She’s still breathing despite you, and I’ll warn you, come after me again, and you’ll live to regret it. Prison will be too good for you by the time I’m done making sure you get what you deserve,” Gabby told him.

“You’re not going to tell anyone anything Gabrielle, because if you do, when I find them…and I will, I’ll make sure to record their last breaths and send it directly to you, and then let you watch as their eyes close for the last time. Tell that slut to bring my daughter back here; I don’t want her turning out like her mother.”

“Come near me again Donald, and it’ll be you who takes your last breath. My husband is a very protective man, all it’ll take is a single slip and you’ll find yourself at the bottom of a well in the middle of a tropical storm. Don’t threaten Haley and don’t even think about calling Jessica your daughter. You’re nothing to either of them but a bad memory.”

“Then why aren’t they here?” he inquired with a sneer.

“Because you’re still free, but one of these days something will come along and bite you in the ass, and trust me Donald…I’ll be in the front row cheering it on when it happens. Now I suggest you leave before my husband gets across the grounds to us. He doesn’t like you for some reason; I wonder why that would be?”

“Gabby is everything okay?” Wyatt asked slipping his arm around her waist.

“Wyatt Isaacs…I was just saying hello to your lovely wife. Did you know she used to work for me? She left rather suddenly though, why was that again Gabrielle?” Donald questioned.

“I was homesick. I missed my mom and dad and found a position closer to them. It all worked out well in the end, didn’t it honey?” she stated glancing up at Wyatt’s suspicious face. “We should be going lots of things to do and all.”

“Shame,” Donald said grinning at them. He began to move off but stopped and turned adding, “Oh do tell your friend Haley hello for me next time you see her. She was always myfavorite…assistant.”

Gabby tensed and muttered under her breath, “Over my dead body.”

“Want to tell me what that was about?” Wyatt inquired once he was gone. “Would your mysterious ballet friend Haley be the one he was talking about?”
