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“Actually I talked to Dad about it,” Gabby admitted. “What you all didn’t realize was your showing up constantly was a challenge to the boys.”

“What are you talking about Gabs?” Sam asked.

“Let’s just say there was a pool going around school that the first person who convinced me to skip out on my brothers would win the money,” she said.

“What!?” Nate yelled.

“It was agreed that I still had to tell Dad where we were going but he wouldn’t tell you all where or when.”

“What happened to the pool?” Wyatt asked with forced lightness.

“I won it…the boys didn’t realize that I knew all about it and was playing them as much as they were playing me.”

“And what do you mean by that Gabby?” her mom asked.

“I got to go to all the new movies, concerts, dinners, and received so many flowers without having to spend a penny,” she laughed. “Look I knew none of them were serious about wanting to date me, most of them only wanted one thing and I made it clear that it wasn’t going to happen, but that didn’t keep them from continuing to ask.”

“You sneaky little brat,” Viola said with a smile. “Here I thought you were so perfect.”

“Not perfect, just smart enough to know how to twist dumb boys around my little finger,” Gabby teased.

“Clever wife I have don’t you agree?” Wyatt said leaning over to kiss her lightly.

“How long did it take you to catch Wyatt then?” Nate asked.

“I didn’t catch him,” she stated.

“No?” Viola said.

“It’s true,” Gabby said. “I wasn’t plotting a way to convince him to marry me.”

“Quite the opposite actually,” Wyatt stated. “She constantly turned me down, and not because she was angling for a better offer. She just wasn’t interested.”

“Then how did you two get here?” Owen asked.

“You never did tell any of us,” Maggie added.

“He kissed me,” Gabby said with a shrug.

“A kiss?” Viola stated skeptically.

“It’s true,” Wyatt said telling them about their setup date. “I was out to dinner with some business associates, we’d just finished and as I went to leave I saw Gabby waiting at the bar.”

“My date had stood me up…yeah that happens to me,” she added.

“Since we were already there convincing her to sit with me was a lot easier than I expected.”

“We sat talking over a bottle of wine and some appetizers for the longest time and then the band started playing.”

“She forced me to dance…not my favorite pastime but I did it for her.”

“Anyway, he walked me to my car, and then he kissed me.”

“At first I thought she was going to slug me,” Wyatt laughed.

“Did she?” Sam asked.

“No, I kissed him,” Gabby said.
