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“What is college for if not experimentation?”

“Sorry, I didn’t go for that,” she laughed. “So can we please move on from Haley?”

“No, you know where she is, don’t you?”

“Why? Why does it matter so much whether or not I know where she is?”

“Because the reason I asked your parents about her was so I could find her for you…I thought maybe finding her would help fix this, situation, between us.”

“Well, I don’t know where she is and talking about her just makes me miss her more, so please can we move on?” she sighed.

“Okay, who were you sleeping with that you didn’t want your family to know about?” he asked.

“No one…seriously Wyatt, it wasn’t one person, I was having fun and I didn’t want my nosy brothers constantly inquiring who was in my bed.”

“You slept with that many different people?” he asked not believing her.

“Maybe, it’s my business not yours. I have a clean bill of health and was always careful so whoever I let in my bed was my choice and I’m not going to discuss it.”

“I guess that leave us with my money as usual, Gabby. But this time I’ve got some information about your theft to tell you…we found out the truth Gabby, all of it.”

Her heart stopped then raced forward as thoughts of him finding Haley and Jess flashed through her mind.

No, she thought,he didn’t know the whole truth; he couldn’t, because if he did he wouldn’t be here.

“You’re lying, Wyatt. You’re just trying to get me to slip.”

“Your trail is a fake Gabby, that’s what Morris told me Friday night when I left you here sleeping on the balcony. The only thing real is the final account, but it’s almost six years old and from Boston…what was it for Gabby?”

“A savings account for a new car originally but then I decided to let it grow, slowly but it’ll reach a hundred thousand by the time I retire…or at least it was going to before I was forced into early retirement.”

“Whose fault is that Gabby? I’ll tell you it’s not mine. I couldn’t have you sitting behind a computer everyday just waiting to see if you’d steal more, speaking of computers, you must be very good with them if the FBI wanted you on their team. I wonder how they’d feel about you now knowing what kind of embezzling liar you are.”

“They wanted me for my ability to lie, Wyatt. They offered me the opportunity to go undercover anywhere I wanted, a list a mile long of companies that were involved in illegal activities. With my background and computer skills I could have been an asset to them.”

“Why turn it down then?”

“Because I wanted to choose my own path, I didn’t want to live a constant life of lies, little did I know huh?”

“You can get yourself out of these circumstances, all you have to do is tell the truth Gabby.”

“I think you’re forgetting something important here Wyatt…something that’ll be here in nine months, something you caused.”

“You could have gone on the pill Gabby; I can’t control what you put in your body.”

“Or what I take out of my body,” she snipped.

“What the hell does that mean?” he demanded.

“It means that the best solution…the only solution to this issue is an abortion.”

“Like hell Gabby, that’s my child growing inside you and I’ll be damned if I let you harm it. If you didn’t want to chance being stuck with me for the rest of your life you should have done something in advance.”

“And kill myself?” she snapped angrily. “Because that’s what birth control pills would do to me Wyatt, I know because they almost did before.”

“What?” he said taken aback.

“I went on the pill after I went to college and started a relationship with someone, a serious relationship. I had a bad reaction to them including developing a blood clot that almost killed me,” she threw at him.
