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“Is that what the doctor meant about drug allergies?” he asked kneeling down and forcing her to look at him.

“That’s just one of many. Look, I didn’t mean it…having an abortion, I wouldn’t be able to do that, not with everyone already aware of my condition and I wouldn’t be able to live with it. It doesn’t mean I’m thrilled about it though.”

“Gabby, why didn’t you just tell me?” he asked shocked that she hadn’t said anything further on it.

“I did tell you it was a risk, but you were thrilled with the idea of taking it, weren’t you? It egged you on even; I mean you said it yourself. If I got pregnant, I’d be stuck with you one way or another and what would happen when the child found out the truth? Guess what Wyatt…it’ll be a long time before this baby is born, and even longer before he or she will be able to understandwhat I did. So I have plenty of time to get out from your control still.”

“Ten steps ahead again Gabby?”

“Twenty,” she tossed over her shoulder as she stalked past him and into the bathroom. “Let’s hope I can stay that way…” she said to her reflection in the mirror.

She got ready for bed, putting on a nightgown, suddenly not feeling like being closer to him than she had to be. She pulled back the covers turning out the light ignoring him, as he got ready for bed. When he slid in beside her and reached to pull her up against him she felt his surprise at the contact with her gown but to give him credit he didn’t seem fazed and still pulled her against him, cradling her in his arms and breaking her heart.

The tears slid down her cheeks unnoticed and she felt the resentment against her sister bubble up. It took her a few moments to push it back down as she reminded herself what Haley and Jess had been through the past few years. She couldn’t hate her sister and no matter what she couldn’t blame her. After all, she’d had the choice to turn her in but hadn’t done it, instead, she had covered up Haley’s mistake and took the blame.

Haley wanted to tell the truth and she wouldn’t let her, because she knew the moment she did, she’d lose this. She’d lose Wyatt and this feeling of content that filled her when he simply held her at night, and she’d lose their connection as they made love. She knew he was struggling with wanting her, possibly loving her, but despising her for what he thought she’d done, and was still doing to him but in here, in their bed they spoke the truth. Their bodies knew better than their minds and she couldn’t bring herself to give it up yet.

The next morning when she woke Wyatt was gone and the clock read 9:00 a.m., it was the latest she had slept-in in years but what did it matter? She didn’t have a schedule to follow.She stopped in at the center, allowing the kids to lift her spirits before heading to Wyatt’s office to put her reconnaissance mission into play.

It was a thing of pure comedy as her old co-workers couldn’t decide whether to be excited or worried to see her, especially coming in with her latest accessory, a personal bodyguard she’d discovered that morning when she’d attempted to go to the center and then there was Wyatt’s new assistant,barely old enough to drive, she thought sarcastically. It was the first time she’d met the girl and she felt a tiny bit relieved to discover her a far cry from a raging beauty. She was pretty enough but she didn’t have to worry about Wyatt losing his head over her. She stalked past the girl and barged into Wyatt’s office without knocking, the bodyguard waiting just outside the doorway as she proceeded to yell at the man behind the big mahogany desk.

“Honestly Wyatt? A personal bodyguard? Don’t you think that’s a little over the top?”

“Gabby,” he said sending an apologetic smile to the two men in the office with him.

“I’m so sorry Mr. Isaacs she barged right past me,” the girl, Becca she thought, blathered to him.

“Its fine, Becky,” Wyatt stated.

Close enough, she thought with a grin.

“Gabby, why don’t we discuss this later,” Wyatt said to her then introduce her to the two men. “Sorry for the interruption, Dwayne, George, this is my wife Gabrielle. Gabby, these are the men from the SEC I was telling you about.”

“Oh, sorry gentlemen but my husband seems to get more protective each day. His latest idea is not only a personal driver, which I was fine with, I might add, but this has got to stop Wyatt. I don’t need a personal bodyguard; it makes me feel like there’s some crazy person out there lurking after me.”

“Gabby, you know why Justin was hired. I’m not going to stand around while someone sends threats to us. I want you protected.”

“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself,” she argued.

“Really?” he questioned. “Less than three months ago the police showed up here because your car had been found in the river and your things were scattered everywhere. I refuse to go through another day like that.”

“Obviously this is going to take longer than I thought,” Gabby sighed. “I do apologize for the intrusion,” she added to the two men over Wyatt’s shoulder. “Why don’t I wait till you’re finished then you can take me out to a late lunch?”

“How do you know I haven’t already had lunch Gabby?” he teased for the benefit of the employees outside the door.

“I think I know when you’ve eaten Wyatt, after all, your tie is perfectly straight still,” she tossed out as she walked to the door. “Take your time…I’m not going anywhere.”

“Behave Gabby,” he told her and she laughed at him.

“Don’t I always?” she said shutting the door to hide her real expression. “Becky, I’m going to go visit a friend down the hall, if Wyatt gets done before I’m back can you let him know I’m talking to Abby? Thanks,” she added sweetly as she turned towards her guard. “Justin, please stay here. I swear all I’m doing is going to visit a friend.”

“Yes ma’am,” he said and she had to control herself to not scream. When had she become a ma’am? She was twenty-seven, all right nearly twenty-eight but still…ma’am? She slipped down to Abby’s office and popped her head around the door.

“Anyone home?” she asked with a grin.

“I thought I heard a shriek of panic flow through the building,” Abby teased. “So what do we lowly workers owe this unexpected visit to?”

“My overbearing husband’s latest attempt to wrap me in bubble wrap,” she said hugging her.
