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He continued to drive in silence until they turned into the driveway. He came around and opened the door for her, a gentleman despite everything, and then marched her inside.

She was expecting another argument or interrogation about his money and found herself at a loss for words and breath as he grabbed her and pushed up against the door closing and locking it as his mouth covered hers. His hands trailed up to her face cupping it with a mixture of gentleness that calmed hermomentary fear at his aggressiveness, and hunger that made her want him.

“Don’t ever walk into my office swishing your hips like that again Gabby,” he groaned pressing his body up against hers. “Do you know how much control it took to not grab you and take you there?”

“You say the sweetest things,” she replied sarcastically, hiding her excitement at the idea of him doing just that.

“You’re not looking for sweetness right now though, are you Gabs?” he asked. “You’ve been looking forward to this, knowing that I’d be so completely annoyed and suspicious of your sudden appearance at the office that I’d do anything to keep you out of there. Tell me Gabby, have you been dying with need for me since you woke up this morning?”

“No,” she said with an evil smile, “but you have. It was there last night too wasn’t it Wyatt? It’s been what? Almost nine days since you’ve had me? Are you about to go out of your mind yet?”

He didn’t answer her with words as he slowly undid the buttons on her blouse to reveal her bra, pushing it down and trapping her arms in it when he didn’t release the rest of them. He grinned as he released the front clip of her bra, allowing her breasts to spring free.

He lowered his mouth to one, using his hand to tease the other until she was biting her bottom lip as the pleasure washed through her, leaving her teetering on the edge. She pulled at the sleeves but there wasn’t enough room to stretch her arms out to get the top off and she couldn’t reach the buttons on it she realized as she let out a groan of frustration.

“What’s wrong Gabby?” he teased as he slowly unbuckled her slacks and eased them down her hips along with her panties, letting his fingers linger over her nest of curls close to but never completely touching her.

“Not a thing,” she told him arching her back to allow her breasts to thrust forward and catch his attention again.

He returned his mouth to one peak sure he’d be able to beat her at the game this time, with her hands trapped behind her back, she had no power over him, or so he thought.

Gabby leaned back against the door allowing it to take her weight as she lifted one foot then the other and stepped out of her slacks. She pushed her hips out a bit further until they were pressing against his and wrapped her leg around him and pulling his hips towards her, slowly moving her foot up and down the back of his leg.

He groaned as her leg increased and then reduced the pressure against his hardness until he couldn’t stop himself. He lifted her up with one arm and backed her up against the door as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Not bothering to undress he unbuckled his pants and drove into her, swallowing her gasp of release and exalting with pride that he’d managed to overcome her barriers so easily this time. He kept her arms trapped behind her determined to last as long as possible but when she gasped in more pain than pleasure as her elbow connected with the lock he paused long enough to move her over to the couch and followed her down onto it still inside her.

He stilled gazing down at her, his eyes connecting and holding hers, marveling at the way they darkened when he ran a finger down the middle of her chest. She lifted her hips pulling him deeper inside her and the moment was lost as he covered her mouth with his and let his hands enjoy touching her exposed flesh, paying close attention to the tight buds on top of each peak.

He felt her begin to quiver as a second release began to coil inside her and he increased his movement, adding slight pressure on her sensitive spot until she tightened around him. She tossed her head back against the cushions letting out a shakybreath as he continued, building the need inside her up again and again, until they finally flew over together.

Chapter 11

“You know everyone at the office is going to know the only way you convinced me to keep the bodyguard around was by making mad passionate love to me all afternoon,” she teased trailing her hands down his bare chest. He’d finally freed them from their imprisonment in her blouse and she’d shown him just how much better it is with them torturing him as she slowly removed each piece of his clothing before they made love again, collapsing onto the floor spent.

“I think they’ll be well aware of who’s in charge of the decisions,” he told her nipping at her fingers as they neared his lips.

“Me,” she grinned.

“You can think that if you want,” he returned.

“No? Who finally relented and agreed that Justin will only accompany me as far as the entrance to public places? And exactly what was he begging for when he relented?”

“You’re an evil person Gabrielle Isaacs,” he said grabbing her hips as she moved to get up.

“That’d be you Mr. Isaacs, trapping a sweet girl into marriage for money…refusing to feed her until your appetite is satisfied…an appetite that seems to have returned and is saluting me,” she added when her knee encountered him.

“He’s insatiable when it comes to you,” Wyatt told her as she suggestively settled herself over his hips nestling her butt up against his erection.

“And I’m insatiable when it comes to lots of things…but right now, the only thing I’m craving is food,” she said placing light kisses on his chest. “I demand food Mr. Isaacs, your child and I demand food before we’ll allow you to find any more bliss from this body.” She pushed against his chest and got up, laughing at his expression, “I’m thinking a fresh chef’s salad from Muriel’s sounds divine. I won’t argue if you simply want to run over there and pick one up for me. It’d give me time to enjoy a nice relaxing bath and who knows after I get some lovely food in me and enjoy the warm waters lapping over my body I just might be in a more receptive mood to you and trying to satisfy your friend’s needs.”

“You’re an evil, evil woman Gabby,” he groaned getting his things. “Alright a chef’s salad, no tomato, blue cheese, and ranch dressing I assume.”

“No blue cheese…or feta, regular old American cheese is fine, and an iced tea,” she called over her shoulder as she walked naked up the stairs towards the bedroom. “Don’t rush on my account I think a long soak in the tub is what the doctor’s ordered.”

She waited until he left and then grabbed her phones taking them up to the bathroom with her. She filled the tub and climbed in letting the jets soothe her aching muscles from her afternoon adventures.

Taking advantage of the first free moment in days she dialed her sister, “Hales, sorry about the other day.”

“God Gabby I’ve been flipping out you couldn’t find a single second to let me know that psycho hadn’t killed you? I’ve been searching the paper like crazy to make sure there was nothing reported on you.”
