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“I’m sorry sweetie but Donald showed up and then Wyatt did and after that he wouldn’t leave my side. On Sunday, we had dinner at Mom and Dad’s place and then this morning I find out that Wyatt hired a bodyguard, abodyguardHaley. I’ve finally convinced him that he’s not needed when I go to the bathroom…okay so he wasn’t that bad, but it was still crazy.”

“Why did he hire a bodyguard?” Haley inquired.

“He wouldn’t let me get by not telling him something. Donald made a comment about saying hello to you. This was after I’d already slipped twice before and said something about you completely innocently.”

“You told him about me and Jess? Does this mean you told him that I was the one who took the money and you’re just covering for me?” she asked hopefully. “Gabby, please tell me you did it and admitted that you’re in love with him…please tell me this means you’re in a good spot and this is actually a happy call.”

“Sorry Hales but it’s not, I told him about my friend Haley and her relationship with Donald, that he was an abusive ass who beat both her and her child. That I left town after she did and I set him up to take down Donald, which should be complete this week, if you were interested.”

“He doesn’t know I’m your sister, or that I took the money, or that you love him?”

“I can’t risk it, not right now…Haley is something wrong? Some reason that you need to come home? Originally we thought you’d never come back so what’s changed?”

“Nothing, I just don’t want you upset Gabby, so if telling Wyatt will change that then you have my permission, not that you need it, to tell him.”

“That’s just it Hales, telling him will do the exact opposite. If I tell him the truth he’ll leave me, he won’t care that I love him he’ll just see the lies I told him and I’ll be left pregnant andheartbroken. I can’t tell him. I’m begging you Haley, don’t come home yet, wait until Donald’s in jail and…”

“And you’re sure Wyatt loves you?” Haley asked.

“Yeah, I guess. You and Jess are good right? You’re not worried about Jess for some reason…she’s not had a seizure since the last surgery, right?”

“No, she hasn’t, we’re fine Gabby, just worried about you. If I hadn’t done this you wouldn’t have been forced to marry Wyatt, which means you’d never have fallen for him and been put in this position.”

“I didn’t mean to make you feel worse but I have and I’m sorry Haley. If you decide to come back, can you please promise to give me a heads up? I don’t want to be blindsided by my husband leaving me.”

“Cross my heart Gabs. I love you, oh Jess wants to talk to you do you mind?”

“Of course not, hey Jess…” she laughed as Jess began to chatter on and on about everything that she’d been up to in the past few months. She finally had to tell her she had to go, “Jess I love you baby. Take care of my girl for me,” she added when Haley got back on to say goodbye. She hung up feeling better than she had in the longest time. Maybe it wasn’t perfect but she was happy and so were Haley and Jess, that’s all that mattered to her.


Wyatt hurried back down the stairs, clenching his fists to keep from strangling her. She lied to him. She’d looked him straight in the eyes and lied to him. Obviously, Haley was her daughter and some idiot named Jess that she loved was taking care of her…how had she gone over ten months without seeing her? Or had she? They’d stopped following her fairly early on, that had apparently been a mistake and he refused to let her go without a fight. He’d find Jess and Haley, bring Gabby’sdaughter back to her and then make her fall in love with him, and their child. He sat the food down and picked up his phone calling Morris.

“Hey boss, heard we had a visitor at work today.”

“Check the system and then tear Gabby’s past apart, find everyone who’s ever known or talked to her and see where Haley comes into it. I want to know everything,” he instructed.

“Boss…I’m still trying to decipher how she put the trail out there, and now you want me to uncover her past? I’m pretty good with a computer but trying to uncover what’s she’s hidden, not so good.”

“Do your computer search and find every piece of electronic information out there about Gabby. I’m tired of this game.”

“Okay…something happen today?”

“Nothing that you need to know about let me know what you find out.”

“Got it boss,” Morris said hanging up.

If Gabby thought she was going to leave him, she was wrong. He was going to find out all of her secrets and use them to make her fall in love with him. In fact he had the perfect way to begin…he grabbed the bag from Muriel’s and set up the food on the tray. He took a few roses from the vase and headed up to the bedroom setting the tray on the bed, scattering some petals on the edge before placing the last bud on the tray beside her salad and then lit some candles.

Gabby was a romantic and what better way to entice that part of her awake than with the classic seduction route? They already had a fantastic sex life, but he wanted more, he wanted every part of her, but especially her heart.

“Gabby, are you awake?” he asked heading to the bathroom.

“Mmm,” she sighed happily. “Is my food here?”

“It is, and it’s all waiting for you. Let me get your robe.”

She got up letting the water drip from her as he handed her a towel to wipe off the excess moisture, then slipped her robe onto her arms and tied the sash with a lingering kiss.
