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“Either something happened or you’re stillveryhorny,” she teased him as they walked into the bedroom. She stopped and stared, her heart fluttering with hope and happiness. “Wyatt…”

“Have to keep my girl happy,” he said leading her over to the bed.

She was surprised beyond belief by the thoughtfulness of his actions though a part of her did think that he was only doing it to guarantee getting her to sleep with him again. He’d be surprised to know he didn’t need it, all it took was a kiss and touch from him to make her want him beyond reason.

The next few weeks passed by drawing her more and more under his spell. She was slowly falling into a funk though. Loving him was tearing her apart and she hated it. She was beginning to question her loyalties and that was something she never expected. She was still worried that something would happen to derail Jess’ recovery, which kept her from telling Wyatt but yet every time they made love lately she came closer and closer to it.

Seeing Donald’s downfall had been spectacular almost as good as the first doctor’s appointment Wyatt had taken her to as a surprise. He seemed a bit shocked at all of her questions, almost as though he didn’t really believe that she’d never been through this before. Tonight they were having yet another dinner party, this one with her in-laws and several key business partners and she was debating on what to wear. It was between the low cut gold dress that wouldn’t allow for her to wear a bra or her red strapless mini.

Both would be a bit more than what she usually wore and Wyatt would probably object to each but she was annoyed that she was stuck planning their anniversary party without any helpfrom him. She had decided to make it family only, though Wyatt didn’t know it yet, so she could announce the pregnancy, and hopefully convince Wyatt to end their stalemate.

“You’re not ready yet Gabby?” Wyatt inquired coming in from work.

“Nearly, I can’t decide which to wear,” she said looking at the two lying on the bed. “The gold dress might be a bit much especially with my boobs getting bigger each day but the red one might be a bit too tight.”

“Then why don’t you just choose another? I don’t particularly want all of my associates leering after my wife and unless you want everyone to know you’re pregnant I suggest wearing something that doesn’t show off the size of your breasts…they have gotten quite, robust.”

“Are you trying to tell me I’m getting fat?”

“Oh yeah, completely hideous…you’re not even at three months yet so no you’re not getting close to being fat.”

“Wise answer but I’m still going to wear one of these, if you don’t like it that’s just too bad. I don’t particularly like having to make all the decisions about our anniversary party so it’s only fair.”

“This again Gabby? I’m busy. Why do we even need to have a party?”

“Because if we don’t everyone’s going to wonder if we’re over after only a year and since it’ll become evident shortly that I’m pregnant I don’t want everyone thinking that you’re not happy about it or that something happened that didn’t.”

“What are you talking about Gabby?” he asked with a sigh. She’d been distant lately, pulling away from him despite their added connection in bed. Every time he’d tried to get her to talk about ending their battle of wills she’d pull back from him and would renew their antagonism.

“Nothing…I think I’ll go with the red one,” Gabby said dropping her robe and picking up the dress. She shimmied it up her hips and reached for the zipper but she couldn’t quite reach it.

“Let me,” Wyatt stated reaching for her. He pulled it up and then stepped back to survey the image she presented. His fingers itched to take it off of her, it was too much for a dinner with his business associates, it was too much for anything other than a dinner, alone, at home with him.

“Well?” she said as he continued to stare.

“If you wear that out tonight the only thing that’s going to happen is me thinking how soon I can get you back here and out of it. Lord Gabby, every man at the table is going to want you.”

“And thinking how incredibly lucky you are to be the one who gets me. It’s a strategic move to get us back home early and to show your associates that they’re very important to you to take time off from your gorgeous wife to entertain them,” she told him before heading to the vanity to adjust her hair and makeup.

The evening was working out better than she planned and Wyatt couldn’t stop staring at her each time there was a lull in the conversation. Caroline and Joan were both aware of it and more than happy to comment on it.

“Gabby, have you and Wyatt made a decision about your celebrating your anniversary? Are you all having a huge party to rival the wedding?” Caroline asked.

“I’ve made a decision,” Gabby told them.

“Uh oh, that doesn’t sound good,” Joan teased.

“What doesn’t sound good?” Wyatt inquired.

“Gabby saysshe’smade a decision about your anniversary party,” Joan stated.

“I’m afraid that would be true,” he told them. “We’ve been busy with the fallout from the Graves’ situation and assuring ourinvestors that there’s nothing to fear so the brunt of the party planning has fallen on Gabby.”

“Which is why I’ve decided that the party will be small…just immediate family that way I can make sure Dad doesn’t eat or drink something he shouldn’t.”

“I forgot about your dad, how is he doing?” Joan said feeling guilty about her remarks.

“Good, the doctors put him on some medication for his cholesterol and between Mom and me we’ve managed to come up with enough recipes to make up for no more red meat, or the severely reduced intake as it is. He’s also supposed to take it easy as far as alcohol consumption so not having an open bar is a must.”
