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Wyatt stalked off, returning to caterers entering through the back doors and guests arriving through the front. The night went on and on and the strain between him and Gabby began to be seen.

“Don’t tell me that your wife’s unhappy after just four months old buddy,” Eric, his best man and friend, stated.

“Just a small tiff,” he said taking another sip of his drink, the third or fourth of the night, he hadn’t kept track.

“Is that why you’re downing whiskey like it’s water?” Vince, the CFO of the company and his old college roommate, asked.

“What are you boys whispering about?” Dalia, Eric’s latest girlfriend, inquired.

“Seems Wyatt here’s got an unhappy wife,” Eric replied just a tad louder than necessary. Half the room turned to look at their small group and then back at Gabby who put a new smile on her face to ward off more questions.

“Thanks,” Wyatt said taking another sip, “next time you should take out an ad in the paper, it’d be quieter.”

“Sorry, I didn’t know the music was going to die down at that exact moment,” Eric said with a shrug.

“Everything okay?” Joan asked Gabby with skilled eyes at their spot across the room.

“Fine,” she smiled.

“What’d my brother do now?” Joan inquired.

“Nothing, it was a small difference of opinion and it’s been dealt with, nothing to worry about.”

“Then why are you picking at your nails?” Abby, her old friend from work, asked. “You used to do that when something wasn’t adding up right or a file had been misplaced.”

“We had an argument, couples argue all the time.”

“Uh huh, but most of them don’t end up sitting so far away from one another during dinner, and they don’t make a habit out of staying on opposite sides of the room like you two are,” Joan said.

“Especially not ones who’ve only been married for four months,” Abby added. “Come on let’s have a little Abby and Gabby time.”

“Mani and pedis Saturday after brunch?” Gabby suggested.

“I meant now, but that’ll do,” Abby grinned.

“You’re not changing the subject that fast,” Joan stated. “What’s really going on between you and Wyatt?”

“I told you we had an argument, nothing big.”

“Fine I’ll get it out of my brother then,” Joan said turning to look at him. “Put your drink down and get over here big brother.”

“Joan, this isn’t the place for this,” Gabby whispered as the rest of their friends and colleagues turned to look at them.

“What have you done to Gabby to upset her?” Joan demanded when Wyatt reached them.

“Upset her? What have you been telling my sister Gabby?”

“I didn’t say a word…I told her it was nothing Wyatt.”

“Nothing, doesn’t count for the distance between you two,” Joan stated, “something’s been off all night.”

“You’re right, we have been having a dispute for a bit now,” Wyatt said. “If you must know Gabby’s mad that I don’t want her to go back to work. It seems that after a couple months of doing nothing she’s bored.”

Gabby sent him a questioning glance as he pulled her towards him. “I thought this was going to be between us.”

“It seems to be affecting our friends and family, so they might as well know,” Wyatt said.

“Hold on,” Eric said laughing. “You two are arguing over hernotworking?”
