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“I do feel lucky, and I pray that she’ll let me see my niece or nephew even if she keeps you as far from her as possible,” she told him. “Mom, Dad, I love you but if I look at him anymore I’m liable to do something stupid.”

“It’s alright honey,” Caroline assured her. “We’ll talk tomorrow.”

“Right now we’ve got some things to discuss with your brother and it might be wiser without you here,” Isaac agreed.

Joan walked out of the room dialing Gabby’s cell number then sent her a text when she didn’t answer. She cursed her brother and Morris…and she’d let him know exactly how wrong he and Wyatt had been about Gabby she decided pulling out of the driveway heading towards his place.

Inside the house, Wyatt poured another glass of whiskey and turned to stare at his parents, “What?”

“Did you honestly think you could force the answer out of Gabby?” Isaac asked.

“Maybe,” he answered. “Little did I know how many secrets Gabby had.”

“What are you going to do now?” Caroline asked.

“File for divorce,” he shrugged.

“What did Gabby mean when she said she’d get nothing?” Isaac inquired.

“She gets nothing in the event of a divorce no money, house, cars, at least as far as the prenup states.”

“You had her sign a prenup that left her nothing?” Caroline said. “How could you Wyatt?”

“How could I not?”

“You’re not getting by not supporting your child,” his father stated. “If you don’t do it we will.”

“That’s your choice, mine is to exorcise Gabby from my life,” Wyatt said downing another glass.

“Is that why you’re drowning yourself in whiskey?” Caroline asked.

“My wife just admitted that she’s lied not once or twice about stealing the money, about who Haley was, but at least three times about it all, including the fact that the mugging was directly related to the money and that she used me to bring Graves down.”

“If you lose Gabby, you’ll lose your heart,” Isaac warned. “You can’t tell me you’re not in love with her,” he added when Wyatt snorted. “Find a way to get her to forgive you because the way I see it, you’ve done her more harm than she’s done you.”

“Everyone always sides with Gabby,” Wyatt stated. “Who cares if she lied right? I’m the bad guy.”

“You are if you’ve forced Gabby into this situation simply because you wanted her in your bed,” Caroline stated. “You’re my son and I love you but Gabby is special. There aren’t many people out there that will go that far to protect their families. Your father did and I forgave him.”

“That was different,” Wyatt scoffed.

“Not from where I’m standing,” she replied. “Find a way to win her back or you’ll regret it forever.”

He already did, and had for months, he thought. Gabby was the best thing he’d ever had and now he knew she’d never forgive him.

Chapter 14

“Gabby come on Sis answer your phone,” Haley pleaded on her voicemail. “I know I promised to give you a heads up but there wasn’t time…”

The voicemail box you’ve chosen is full, an automated voice stated and Haley closed the phone.

“Still not picking up?” Viola asked.

“No,” Haley sighed. “It’s been a week. I’m starting to really worry.”

“I don’t think anything bad has happened to her,” Viola said before opening the door and smiling at Joan and Morris. “Hi, any luck?”

“I’ve checked her cell and it’s off, the last call she made with it pinged off a tower downtown, four days ago…she was at the center,” Morris told them still holding Joan’s hand.
