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“Who’s played chess with Gabby?” Haley asked them. “You know why she always wins? Because she always thinks aheadabout all the possible moves that can be made. She knew that when Wyatt found out he’d be angry and that the prenup left her with nothing right?”

“Right,” Joan drawled.

“How do you make sure that you aren’t left with no way to take care of your child should that happen?”

“I don’t know,” Sam said.

“You use what you’re given in the marriage to finance it. Gabby always used the money Wyatt put in her account, especially after she found out she was pregnant I bet, but yet there was probably nothing to show for it am I right?” she asked.

“Wyatt asked me a few weeks ago how she could possibly spend so much but yet not come home with anything,” Morris admitted.

“It’s because she wasn’t spending it, she was investing it. And I can guarantee I know where she did her investing at—Miten Industries,” Haley told them.

“You’re saying she used the money Wyatt gave her, invested it back into the company and took the profits from it to set up an emergency fund?” Isaac asked.

“It’s classic Gabby,” Haley smiled. “Look for sales of stock under her name recently, it might explain why she was still in town four days ago.”

“I’ll get on it,” Morris agreed, “but you do know that if she did sell stock recently she’d have gotten a bundle for it, and she’d have hid her trail like she did with the one at the office. I seriously think she found a way into the system and continued to add layers just to make me twist in the wind.”

“Knowing Gabby, she probably did,” Haley agreed with a laugh. “You should have seen what she did to her ex’s computer at school.”

“The one who wasn’t good enough for her?” Adam asked.

“Yup…he’d taken a picture of Gabby one night and threatened to post it on the internet, yeah, a bad threat to make to Gabs, right? Anyway she decided to make sure the photo never saw the light of day, got into his computer, found it, erased it before he could upload it and then proceeded to share his love of all things animal, including his teddy bear collection before crashing his computer with his sixteen-page paper on it that was due the next morning.”

“No way,” Viola laughed.

“Yes way…here,” she said pulling out the album. “These were his.”

“Remind me to never get on Gabby’s bad side,” Adam stated.

“You’re family,” Sam told him. “She never hurts her family.”

“Let’s hope she includes Wyatt in that family,” Morris said. “The girl could do some serious damage to him if she chose to.”

“That she could,” Nate agreed.

Chapter 15

“Do you realize what you’re doing?” Paul asked staring at Wyatt. “You’re offering her everything, more than half of your current wealth, the house, the cars, full custody of the baby? Why? Your prenup still stands…she gets nothing with that.”

“I don’t care,” he said sipping on his drink and gazing around the party. “Draw them up, I burned the only copy of the prenup, so if she requests anything else give it to her.”

“How can she request anything when she hasn’t even let anyone know she’s alive?” he inquired.

“She spoke with her family, Joan and Morris told me. Seems she invested heavily in Miten and made a pretty penny from the sale of her stock before she left. They haven’t traced where she went but it doesn’t matter. I was an ass; she deserves it all.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me, Wyatt. Have you lost your mind? You do realize how much you’re talking about, don’t you?”

“I know, and I don’t give a damned. What use is it when I don’t have anyone to spend it on?” he stated.

“Wyatt!” Melanie exclaimed coming over with her husband. “I’m surprised to see you here, is Gabby back?”

“You’ve spoken with Gabby?” Wyatt asked.

“Before she left, she stopped by the center to visit and tell the kids goodbye before she went,” Melanie told him. “I’ve got to say I can’t see how you can stand having her gone for so long.”

“She told you where she was going?” Wyatt inquired.
